Why fat is super at helping you loose fat
Diet | Exercise | High protein | Low Fat
Posted on June 16, 2013 by Jenny Cromack
Unfortunately due to some misguided bro-science people often look at fats as a negative food source in terms of loosing weight and improving health. However certain fats are extremely good for you, and what’s more eating them in a balanced fashion aids the process of achieving a lean mean body that’s healthy. They can even help improve hormone balance when included in a reduced processed carbohydrate balanced diet. Here are the ultimate tips of fat:
- Scientific studies show that the body processes the assorted types of fat very differently. The body does not store the essential fatty acids (EFAs), such as the omega-3 fats found in fish and flaxseeds, as fat in the body. The body likes to use these fats to make hormones and build the lipid layer of cells.
- Go low processed carbohydrate when eating good fats, The fats highlighted here will improve insulin sensitivity, decrease inflammation, enhance cellular health and gene signalling, and support hormone balance. But they can’t fix the damage that you do if you eat lots of carbs, trans-fats, or processed foods.
- Eat Butter- butter is good for you as long as it come from organic and grass fed cows, butter is paced with vitamins including vitamin K, which helps with bone health, it also contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent cancer fighter, aids in muscle building, and has been found to produce fat loss.
- Eat Avacado, Good olive oil and nuts- These have been dubbed anti obesity foods by food scientists, they are all packed with omega 6 fatty acids, which when eaten in balance with omega 3 become very good for you. MAKE SURE YOU USE OLIVE OIL RAW- DO NOT COOK WITH IT THIS CAUSES OXIDIZATION WHICH IS VERY BAD
- AVOID vegetable oils (canola/ corn/ sunflower)- these oils are too processed and the ratios of omega 3 and 6 are very bad.