Posted on July 22, 2024 by Jenny Cromack

Self care should be an essential part of everyone’s daily routine, but we’re often either putting other people first or too busy caught up with other elements of our lives that we forget about looking after ourselves.

The 24th July is Self Care Day, so we thought it was important share some top tips for self care and about how you can spend a few minutes each day looking after ‘number 1’. Looking after yourself is the foundation of being healthy, if you’re not looking after yourself then you can’t perform optimally and do all of the things you want to do. It’s not about being selfish, it’s about prioritising, you and your wellbeing, and having a healthy body and mind.

Move More

Exercise releases our ‘happy’ hormones and boosts our mental health. Make time on a daily basis to be active. Go for a walk on your lunch break with a friend. If you sit for long periods make time to stretch. Why not try a new class or join a group like a running or walking group.


Spending just a few minutes quietening your mind through meditation will go a long way. Meditation has been shown to improve quality of life, so today is a good day to practice it or get into it if you have always wanted to but haven’t found the time yet.


It’s important that we support our bodies and mind with a healthy diet. Spend 15 minutes each weekend finding some new, healthy recipes. Take some time to ‘bulk’ prep your meals so you stay on track with eating healthily rather than grabbing on the go.


Sleep is the foundation of a healthy body & healthy mind. Getting enough good quality sleep keeps our immune system strong and helps to manage stress, and allows us to focus.

To ensure your sleep is good quality, try to minimise screen time for 1 hour before bedtime.

Time For You

When it comes to self-care the most important thing is to make time for you. Dedicate 10-15 minutes each day doing something you enjoy. To get the full benefit, switch off your tech and instead read a book, get a bath, call a friend, spend some time journaling, get out in nature. I often go open water swimming, and whilst it’s good for my triathlon training, actually the reason I do it is because of the mental impact being out swimming in nature has for me. My main motivation isn’t the training effect, it’s actually just having that ‘time for me’ moment each week.

Here’s a daily checklist for our top tips for self care – how many can you tick off each day?

  • Read for pleasure
  • Speak to a friend
  • Go for a walk outside
  • Prep your meals for the next day
  • Practice mindful meditation for 5 minutes
  • Do a structured workout
  • Practice gratitude
  • Make a nourishing meal
  • Have an hour away from screen time
  • Get an early night.