Posted on October 23, 2017 by Jenny Cromack
In the last 5 years or so, social media has massively impacted the fitness industry, with so many ‘experts’ telling you what you should be doing. The problem is there are so many different opinions that its hard know what is complete rubbish and what is useful. What are health and exercise myths? And what really are cold hard facts?
As a personal trainer, I find there are some points that get brought up time after time, that in my opinion I think are just complete rubbish! So, I’m here to sort what is fact and what indeed may be health and exercise myths!
Myth 1
Weight and resistance training will make you big and have good muscle definition
No matter how many times a week you lift weights it is extremely hard to build muscle. You need to be eating more calories than you expend, and these need to be the correct macro-nutrients. The likelihood is that the only adaptation you’ll get from resistance training is weight loss! This goes nicely with the myth that running and cardio is the best way to lose fat, it’s not, a combination of both resistance training and cardio is the best way forward.
Myth 2
There are either good foods or bad foods
Yes, some foods are worse than other foods. I’m not trying to say a chocolate bar isn’t as good for you as an avocado, but in my opinion, we need to stop labelling foods as bad and good. This should promote and better relationship with food and make healthy eating seem less scary and more manageable.
Myth 3
Eating no carbs is the best way to lose weight!
If you cut carbohydrates out completely, you feel drained, no energy and will be unlikely to have enough energy to have the motivation to carry on with your training. Eat in moderation and be clever with your food choices. If your goal is to run a sub 4-hour marathon I would expect to see a plate based around complex carbohydrates (potatoes, grains etc.). If you are trying to lose weight, it will be a plate filled more proteins, but still a small amount of carbohydrates and vegetables.
Myth 4
There are certain exercises that ‘will’ give you instant results… e.g. ‘abs exercises’
Simply, no! Just no! Most exercises are good, but they need to implement alongside a solid training programme and good nutrition. Without both, good exercise selection, will have no benefits.
Myth 5
Static stretch before you lift
Static stretching before exercise will have no major impact on your training. Follow the RAMP protocol before training (look back for my blog on warming-up), after a session a little static stretching and foam rolling is probably a clever idea.
Myth 6
Training well means you can get away with eating more…
All I am going say here is…’you can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet’.
Don’t feel bad if you believed any of these…so many Youtube videos or social media sites will claim to have ‘quick fixes’ like these. The reality is; with hard work, dedication and commitment the results will come.