Posted on March 02, 2016 by Kate Halsall

thigh and glute workout

If anyone saw me in the latter of part of the week (especially Friday), they will have witnessed that no amount of walking, cycling or holiday tabata’s had prepared my legs to return to weighted resistance training. The burn that was taking place in my quads and glutes didn’t just flare up when I walked, sat down or moved in any shape or form – it was constant – OW! So it’s only fair that I share this thigh and glute workout with everyone so that you can all feel the burn too!

10 x Reps of everything (and make sure it’s 10 each leg) x 3 Sets – Nice!!

  1. Squat Jumps
  2. Single Leg Glute Bridge
  3. Plyo Lunges
  4. DB Plie Squat Pulses
  5. Single Travelling Leg Hops
  6. BB Reverse Lunge
  7. Star Jumps
  8. DB Curtsy Lunge and Side Kick
  9. Skipping (feet together) for 30 seconds
  10. Wall Squat for 30 seconds

Try including this thigh and glute workout into your weekly routine twice per week for shapely legs and a pert butt!

If it doesn’t hurt the day afterwards, you need to use heavier weights or up your reps!