Posted on May 01, 2019 by Jenny Cromack
The sun has been teasing us over the last few weeks, combine this with the fact that we are now in May, many people will be thinking about their holidays so that can only mean one thing for this week’s #wednesdayworkout….a Summer body workout!
For this Summer body workout, I’ve used a tried and tested workout which I use with some of my personal training clients and myself- the workout combines HIIT for fat burning with big compound moves to really get that metabolic furnace burning! There are a couple of isolation exercises to work the biceps and triceps, after all…..suns out, guns out!! If you want to look awesome on the beach this Summer then give this Summer body workout a whirl.
Remember to start your workout with a warm up, if you’re in the gym then jump on the rowing machine and gradually increase the intensity over 5 minutes, then add some dynamic exercises such as leg swings, reverse lunges, forward lunge and rotation, press ups, etc to get the blood and oxygen flowing to the muscles you’re going to use.
Here goes…..!
Section 1- HIIT
If you’re in the gym you can substitute the following exercise with a cardio machine, I think the rowing machine works really well.
A. Burpees – 45s work/ 20s rest; 30s work/ 15s rest; 20s work/ 10s rest
B. Mountain Climbers – 45s work/ 20s rest; 30s work/ 15s rest; 20s work/ 10s rest
C. Star Jumps – 45s work/ 20s rest; 30s work/ 15s rest; 20s work/ 10s rest
(You could also use other exercises such as ball slams, squat jumps, ninja jumps, rope whips, tyre hits, etc)
Section 2 – Circuits
There are 3 circuits to complete , perform each circuit x 3, then move to the next circuit. Take 30-60s rest between each circuit if needed, but try to keep the rest to a minimum to maximise the burn! I’ve put a range of repetitions of the exercises, so choose the one which pushes you.
1A. Power Lunges x 12-20
1B. DB Walking Lunges x 16-24
1C. DB Bent Over Rows x 10-15
1D. Plank x 30-60 seconds
Repeat x 3
2A. Kettlebell Swings x 12-15
2B. Kettlebell Wide Squat & Upright Row x 10-15
2C. DB Bicep Curls x 10-15
2D. Ab Crunch x 10-20
Repeat x 3
3A. Jump Squats with floor touch x 10-20
3B. DB Squat & Press x 10-15
3C. DB. Tricep Overhead Extension x 10-15
3D. Press Ups x 10-20
Repeat x 3 – This is a great upper arm burner!
Remember to finish off with a cool down and some stretches focusing on both the lower and upper body.
Summer beach body….here we come!