Sleep Time How well do you sleep? ZZzz
Posted on June 16, 2013 by Jenny Cromack
How do you feel when you wake up?
Sleep Time is an App accessible on your phone. I have an iphone 4S and its great. It is an alarm clock that monitors and analyzes your sleep cycles to wake you up in the lightest sleep phase, allowing you to wake feeling rested and relaxed. Utilizing the iPhones accelerometer, Sleep Time by Azumio, senses your subtle movements throughout the night and graphs your sleep cycles.
Everyone goes through a number of deep sleep and light sleep phases during the night. Depending on the phase you are in when you are woken, you either feel relaxed and rested or tired and irritable. Sleep Time by Azumio monitors your sleep phases and will alert you during a 30- minute window that you define at your lightest sleep cycle ensuring you feel great every morning.
Sleep Time also saves your sleep data and displays a detailed sleep graph and statistics for every night you use it. This allows you to compare your sleep patterns
I recommend keeping your device charged during the night to ensure it doesn’t run out of charge
Also Remember! Do NOT lock your phone when going to bed. Sleep Time automatically shuts down your screen and puts the phone into power saving mode. If you lock your phone or turn off the screen, Sleep Time will not sense your movement and will then only be able to wake you at the end of the alarm time.
Place your phone near your head. Drift off to sleep using the soothing noises. My favourite are the waves I drift off like a baby.
Frequently asked questions
Does sleep time work if another person is in the bed
Do not fear… You don’t have to boot the other half out Azumio developed a very sensitive algorithm for sleep time that, if placed close enough to you, will be isolated enough from their movement that it won’t skew the measurement. Of course, if your cat sleeps on top of your phone or if you place the phone on your partner’s side of your bed, the results might be less reliable–as you might have guessed. But if you place the phone on your side of the bed, you’ll have sound results.
If you get a call or text in the middle of the night
If you want to keep Sleep Time running while you briefly use another app (for instance, if you answer your phone, write a text message, etc.), tweak your settings before you set your alarm tonight:
- Go to Settings tab.
- Scroll down to “Alarm stop”.
- Select the “Hold for off” option.
Now, the next time you need to send Sleep Time to the background for a moment, the accelerometer will stop but the app will still be running. The measurement will basically be on “pause”, and will begin again as soon as you bring it back to the foreground. Just don’t forget to bring Sleep Time back to the foreground before going back to sleep.
To stop the alarm in the morning, you’ll need to hold the stop button for 3 seconds.
Before using the sleep time app I would often wake up feeling tired. It is hard to grasp the idea at first as you may think surely the longer I sleep the better I will feel. I set my alarm for 5.15am this morning however sleep app woke me up at 5.03am I woke feeling good and refreshed.
Don’t snooze get up and go! I promise, you will feel so much better for it.
No excuses not to see you all bright eyed and bushy tailed for an early morning gym session
Give it a go and see what you think =]
Sweet dreams!
Lucy H =]