Personal Training Success Stories – Justyn Franklin


Posted on September 23, 2015 by Jenny Cromack

September’s Personal Training Client of the Month – Justyn Franklin
Justyn started his training 12 weeks ago, weighting in at a starting weight of 284lbs, I can proudly say he is well on his way to a new leaner, stronger Justyn. With a current body weight of 248lbs, that’s a massive loss 36lbs, or to make it comparable, the same as any of the following
·         126,000 calories
·         1500 bags of Quavers crisps
·         525 double cheesburgers
·         692 pints of medium strength larger
It has been an absolute pleasure helping him get this far. It is made easy by the fact that Justyn is a grafter, in every sense of the word. Hes the type of chap that doesn’t quit, there has been no challenge regards to weight lifted, speed moved, or  intensity of exercise he has shied away from. This can be demonstrated perfectly in his strength levels, in the first session Justyn struggled to complete body weight squats, let alone adding a barbell. During the last session we worked at 75kg for sets of 8. A phenomenal accomplishment in 3 months!
Justyn’s training has involved utilising numerous approaches, HIIT, lactic acid approaches, and even spells of Olympic lift variations. The combination has been carefully tailored to meet the demands of J’s physique and goals. The Lactic acid training involves combining multiple compound movements into sets, for example; the barbell back squat with bench press and bent over rows. This type of training allows us to get through an enormous amount of calories during the session, but also results in a strong increase in EPOC, continuing the calorie burn long after the session. It is during these sessions I’m most worried about getting clobbered around the face.
From a nutritional perspective Justyn carries his work ethic into his preparation and management of his diet. He always finds time to prepare his food despite having all the commitments of a very senior position, and the life commitments we all face. Preparation of nutrition is a key fundamental of his success. Regarding his actual diet, there is nothing too magic, portions have been controlled, meal frequency increased, meal volume decreased, Protein content and fat content are significantly higher than previously. Vegetable and fruit content are more varied and frequent.
All in all Justyn is an amazing client to train, in the next 12 weeks I’m confident we will close down on the 16 stone mark, placing Justyn into a healthy BMI and lowered risk of any metablolic disease. Keep up the great work man!