How Much Exercise Is Needed To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal?

Diet | Exercise

Posted on November 27, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

From my experience of working as a personal trainer, experience has taught me that those people who loss weight and body fat through both improving their diet and performing more exercise are more likely to maintain their weight loss/new streamline physique more so than those who have just lost their weight through ‘dieting’ alone.

My theory is that those people who have felt the ‘pain’ of sweating it out during an exercise session, or have pushed themselves in a workout or have felt the muscles soreness the next day from a great workout have physically had to put some effort into getting their results and are therefore less reluctant to go back to their old ways. I’m not saying that those people do not exercise and just change their diets don’t put effort in and I know there is a lot of ‘mental pain’ associated with stopping eating the unhealthy things you enjoy but I just think that when you have physically given your all in a training session these feelings stay longer with you than the short-lived feeling of sadness when you say no to a mini-flapjack in the office fuddle. I have no scientific proof for my theory it is all just experienced learned from training my personal training clients.

Yesterday one of Lucy Harrison’s personal training clients hit her 4 weight loss mark which is a phenomenal achievement. Her target was to achieve this by Christmas but she has already smashed it a month in advance. As Chris and I discussed how many calories this was worth we started looking at how many personal training sessions you would need to do to achieve certain fat loss targets so here are a few stats to surprise you! The stats show how many calories you burn when you have achieved certain weight loss targets, how many 2 finger Kit Kats this is equivalent to and then how many personal training sessions at 400 calories burned per session (this is on average the calories burned by my personal training clients who wear a heart rate monitor) you would need to complete to burn this number of calories and achieve this fat loss. I think the stats go to show how important it is to get your food cracked as otherwise it would be a lot of personal training sessions!


1/2 Stone                            24,500                         231                                61 sessions

1 Stone                                49,000                         462                                122 sessions

1/2 Stone                            73,500                         693                                183 sessions

2 Stone                                98,000                         924                               244 sessions

2 1/2 Stone                        122,500                        1155                                305 sessions

3 Stone                               147,000                        1386                               366 sessions

3 1/2 Stone                        171,500                         1617                                427 sessions

4 Stone                               196,000                        1848                               488 sessions

4 1/2 Stone                        220,500                        2079                               549 sessions

5 Stone                               245,000                        2310                                610 sessions

If you are someone who is sat here and has achieved any weight loss goal , well done to you! Look at much effort you have put in to achieve this. If you’re a person who sits and thinks ‘just a measley 2 finger Kit Kat won’t hurt, then look at these stats…..reverse them….and think of how much weight you could gain.