Posted on June 18, 2018 by Kate Halsall

To compliment the blog I wrote last week about cardio and weight loss, this week’s food blog is about meal prep. If you can set aside a few hours on a Sunday night to prep meals for the next few days, then it can really help with adhering to your nutrition plan. My current macronutrient targets for my contest prep stand at around 150g of protein, 205g of carbohydrates and 70g of fat, adding up to around 2050 kcals a day. As my competition prep progresses, I will maintain the protein levels and adjust the carbohydrates and fats accordingly to ensure constant progress. The picture attached is of one of my prepping sessions where I made marinated chicken, white & sweet potato wedges, and spinach with lemon, salt, pepper, and parmesan.

For The Chicken

Firstly, when marinating chicken, the longer you leave it the better! If possible pop the chicken in the fridge the night before to allow the flavours to permeate through the meat. Top tip – score the meat with a knife to let the flavour infuse deeper. If you don’t have time to make a marinade, there are some great ones out there ready made (I’m partial to the Nando’s Lemon and Herb one or anything that’s smokey!). Alternatively try this chilli and smoked paprika one on for size:

  • 2 x tsp Chipotle Chilli Powder
  • 1/2 x tsp Ground Cumin
  • 1/2 x tsp Ground Coriander
  • 2 x tsp Smoked Paprika
  • 1/2 x tsp Ground Fennel
  • a good pinch of chilli flakes, salt, pepper & brown sugar


For The Wedges

Secondly, the wedges. I prefer to leave the skin on as it contains several vitamins essential to unlocking the energy within the potatoes. After washing the potatoes, slice them into your preferred shapes, I personally prefer wedges! Boil the wedges for 2-3 mins after the water begins to bubble in the pan. Drain the water then spread them evenly onto a baking tray and lightly coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake them for about 20-30 minutes until lightly crisped.

For The Spinach

Lastly, pop all the spinach into a bowl, add lemon juice, salt, pepper, and a small sprinkling of parmesan. I used parmesan because a tiny amount can still add a strong flavour to the spinach without the calories.


This is your recipe and your meal prep – so use as much chicken and potatoes as you want – as long as it fits with your goals.