Posted on November 17, 2015 by Jenny Cromack

If you are like me and always want a head start on the post-Christmas health kick and body transformation try this low carb burger dish. It is a perfect lunch or dinner, and even better it’s really tasty!

low carb burger dish

I will be honest before I start, I did not make the burger myself but I am lucky enough to have a butcher friend who makes my burgers using lean mince meat, onions etc. I am sure if you have access to any decent butcher they will do the same. We want to be keeping it low carb so bread rolls are a no go. But to bulk this meal out and leave you feeling full and satisfied I included some spicy quinoa and mozzarella stuffed peppers and side salsa.


Lean Homemade Beef Burger

1 Red Pepper

30-40g (dry) Quinoa

30g Mozzarella

Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes, Red Onion

Olive Oil

Cajun Spice, Mixed Herbs, Tobasco Sauce


Set the Quinoa cooking following on packet instructions.

Set the Burger oven cooking until done to your  preference, for me I do like mine quite rare so times will depend.

Slice pepper in half and place in grill with the burger until it starts to soften, then take it out and put 15g of mozzarella in each half. Place the peppers and cheese back into the oven until cheese has melted.

Once the Quinoa has cooked drain it, mix in preferred amount of tobasco sauce and cajun spice then place half on each pepper.

The salsa is very easy and can be done whilst everything else is cooking. Chop your cucumber to small quarters, do the same with the tomatoes, and dice the red onion. Mix it all with a table spoon of olive oil, add the mixed herbs and cajun to add kick to salsa. make sure the spices are well distributed.

You can then plate up your meal and enjoy. Despite being low carb, you should find this low carb burger meal very tasty and filling.
