Posted on May 31, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

overnight oats

Breakfast is the most important meal to kick-start the body after a long fast though the night, but also to keep those hunger cravings at bay throughout the day. My overnight oats breakfast (could also be used as a snack) is a great way to refuel and set you up for the day.

This overnight oats recipe is something that is best to use on more active, or training days, when the carbohydrate from the oats and fruit will be used to good effect. If you are on a rest day, or know that you are going to be fairly inactive, then skip this option and go for a more high protein based brekkie.

My overnight oats are very simple, quick, and easy to make. They can be made in batches and put in the fridge ready for the next day. All you will need is 40g-50g porridge oats, two table spoons of natural Greek yogurt, 3-5 strawberries, palm of raspberries, and a palm of blueberries. To add some good fats and make this is a higher protein breakfast then replace one of the berry portions with a table spoon of flaxseed or chopped nuts like hazlenuts. This will also help to lower the GI of the meal.


  • Chop up your strawberries, then place all the berries in a bowl with the yogurt and mix thoroughly.
  • Take a third of the porridge oats and line the bottom of a Kilner jar, old jam jar, or small tupperware.
  • Spoon some of the yogurt mix over the first layer of oats.
  • Repeat this layered process until you fill the jar or run out of mix.
  • You can add some ground flaxseed or hazlenuts over the top for extra good fats and protein if desired.
  • Place the jar in the fridge over night.

All that is then left to do is wake up and fuel your body the next day. This meal is perfect for a refueling snack post workout, or to keep your energy through you hardworking day.

If your goals are weight loss orientated this is an option that should be used occassionally, and like previously mentioned, saved for active or training days. Get layering and enjoy!!