How to Eat Healthy On The Go
Diet | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Quick meals
Posted on April 09, 2015 by Kate Halsall
As Personal Trainers, we hear it a lot: how can you eat healthy when your car or office or classroom is like your second home? And as much as we’ve heard it, we’ve also said it before; rushing in and out of meetings, driving to and from clients, doing the school run and generally being the busy bees that we are, doesn’t necessarily mean having to forgo healthy eating habits. So how can you eat healthy on the go?
Simply put – it’s not about finding more time in your already hectic day, it’s about working with the schedule you have.
Tupperware is your friend
You know the nature of your days. As such you can plan for all eventualities: early starts, late finishes, non stop meetings etc. The trick to healthy eating on the go is to have planned your food for the week, prepare some of that food, and have some of it with you. Pack healthy lunches and snacks. That way you don’t end up stuck in a desperate situation when you’re already starving. It’s a lot easier to say no to a chocolate bar or crisps when you’ve got something healthy AND delicious in your bag or draw already. Mason jars, bento boxes and tupperware are options which will keep food fresh, help with portion control, and travel well!
Make sensible choices
Despite your best efforts, if you need to make a pit stop to grab something quickly, choose the healthy option. Many pre packaged food choices are full of fat, calories, sodium and added sugar. Eliminate fast food joints from your list of drop in spots. Then make sure you pick salads containing lean protein such as chicken or fish; opt for water over high-sugar or sweetened fizzy drinks; and do your heart, arteries and cholesterol a favour by skipping the burgers and fries or Italian subs!
Keep eating healthy a priority
Whether it’s to have a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, for dietary or physique reasons; remember WHY you want to eat healthy in the first place and make it a priority. It should be so integral to your daily routine that you are doing it without much thought – like brushing your teeth! You need to start to view eating healthy as a MUST…and not just a MAYBE. That should not only provide you with motivation, but will also help you with the other two points above!
For more handy hints, take a look at these: