How Many Carbs Should I Eat Each Day?

Diet | Lifestyle | Nutrition

Posted on May 28, 2015 by Kate Halsall

how many carbs should I eat each day?
If you follow any fitness or diet related blog on any website, you will find details about all the different diets out there – high protein, calorie controlled, low fat, low carb and so on and so on. For the last couple of weeks we have endeavoured to help you make informed decisions about Calories, Fats and Proteins in your diet – this week we look at answering the million dollar question….How many carbs should I eat each day?

So, before I start repeating myself with regards to what determines your carbohydrate intake, let me reiterate why we need carbs in our diet. Very simply put, our body uses it and converts it to glucose for fuel – regardless of whether you exercise or not! If you eat too many carbs in a day it will spike your blood glucose levels and weight gain can occur, if you reduce your carb intake your body will start to use fat stores as an energy source (a metabolic state called ketosis) and weight loss can occur – simples! Ahh, but is it really?

As with our previous blogs on protein and fats (if you missed them, don’t worry the links are below), what is considered the “right” amount of carbs for one person will not be the same for the next. It depends on age, gender, how many calories you need a day, body composition, activity levels, metabolic health and so on. It also depends on what your goals are – is to lose or maintain your weight?

Below are some guidelines to help, however you need to speak to a professional if you’re looking to make a change to your diet, such as cutting down carbs. You also need to ensure you’re eating the right kind of carbs for your goals – quality not just quantity!

100-150g a day
This is quite a moderate/high carbohydrate intake. It’s only really appropriate for people who are lean, very athletic/active and trying to maintain or gain weight.

50-100g a day
Whilst also a great maintenance range, this is the range of carbohydrate intake if you want to lose bodyfat/weight. As a starting point for many of my clients on a fat loss programme we have a food plan with a carbohydrate intake of 20% of their overall daily calorie consumption – on average this is 50g.

20-50g a day
Definitely NOT for everyone – especially if you are pregnant, breast feeding or diabetic. This range is for people who are on a controlled food plan either from a doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer; or they need to lose weight fast, or have obesity or diabetes.

As always quality is essential , we would recommend low GI carbs such as:

* Quinoa

* Bulgar Wheat

* Brown Rice

* Pulses

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