Posted on July 10, 2024 by Emily Forbes

There are many reasons people start with a personal trainer; weight loss, build strength, accountability and education are a few. Fat loss is probably still one of the main reasons. And if you’re not working with a PT right now, here are some things for you to focus on.

Fat loss tips. (Also a tip – you don’t need to do all of these at once!)

  1. Eat enough protein. Usually, I will set clients a minimum of 1.2g/Kg of body-weight but ideally 1.5-2g/Kg. Protein helps to keep us satiated (feeling full) so we are less likely to snack or eat more, especially later in the day. We can eat more for less calories. And protein will increase calories burnt during digestion.
  2. Whilst there are ways to reduce calories without tracking, using a tracking app accurately can help to educate you on your protein intake and actual calories being eaten and help achieve a deficit. A deficit in calories is the only way to lose fat.
  3. Prioritise whole foods which will increase calories burnt during digestion and satiety. Fruits, veggies, legumes, pulses and whole grains will also be adding essential fibre to diet.
  4. Swapping your usual foods for lower calorie/reduced fat options. In particular, leaner meat, cheese, yogurt and milk, and drinks (pop/alcohol) can save you hundreds of calories a week.
  5. Prep most of your own food so that you have control over portions and ingredients.
  6. Start increasing daily steps or taking up a new physical activity. This will increase energy expenditure as you’re moving than before. But be mindful as this can increase hunger, so don’t start to eat more or “reward” yourself for the extra activity.
  7. Accept that the journey is not a straight path. There will be ups and downs, bad weeks and better weeks. But the important thing is to keep going, focus on building small habits, and the consistency will show over time.
  8. Whilst there is sometimes a place for aggressive dieting, making smaller changes over a longer period will make it more enjoyable/less horrible. If it’s more enjoyable we are more likely to adhere to the changes we are making, meaning we will be more successful at meeting our goal.

Final word.

Being in a calorie deficit is never going to be fun. But there are ways that you can make it more enjoyable and sustainable. There does need to be a calorie deficit of some sort though!!! Losing fat isn’t a quick, one week endeavour. A healthy amount to lose is up to 1kg per week. If you wanted to drop 10kgs at best you’d be looking at 2.5 months but from my experience most people would take 6 months or longer.
