Compact Exercise – Fitting In A Session Over Christmas!

Exercise | Fitness

Posted on December 22, 2015 by Jenny Cromack

‘Tis the time of year for big family meals, lazy days and poor nutrition……or is it?! This time of year often leaves many with less opportunity to get to the gym. Despite it probably being the most important time to get to those workouts in, not simply from a metabolic point of view, but from the associated stress that comes with this time of year, the long days, and simply just being sedentary for extended periods of time.

compact exercise

It’s fair to say that working through a full schedule is hard to maintain for many, this is where compact exercise or training comes in handy. All I simply mean by compact exercise is getting a massive bang for your buck in a shorter period of time as possible, yes this training is far from optimal, and it is definitely not maintainable but if you’ve only got the opportunity to get one or two workouts in during the week, this should be the session you turn to.

There is a home program that requires zero equipment, and there is a gym workout that would be the superior choice if possible!

Compact Exercise – Home Session  

  • A1. Single leg bulgarian split squat (use stair or chair) 5 sets 10 reps per leg
  • A2. Press ups 5 sets 10 reps
  • A3. Squat jumps 5 sets 10 reps
  • A4. Narrow grip press ups 5 sets 10 reps
  • A5. Glute bridge single leg (use chair) 5 sets 10 reps per leg
  • A6. Knee drives

Rest 30s, repeat x 3-4 times.

Compact Exercise – Gym Session 

  • A1. Back squat 4 sets 10 reps @60% 1RM
  • A2. Row 500m

Rest 45s, repeat x 4

  • B1. Pull ups neutral grip 8 sets 3 reps
  • B2. Rope double hand whips 8 sets 50 whips

Rest 45s, repeat x 4

  • C1. KB Swings 4 sets 20 swings
  • C2. Box Jumps (low Box) 4 sets 15
  • C3. Tyre Flips 4 sets 10 reps
  • C4. Box Squat 4 sets 5 reps @70% 1RM

Rest 45s, repeat x 4

Doing anything is often better than doing nothing, especially at Christmas so use these compact exercise sessions to get through the Christmas period.