Christmas Starters

Diet | Recipes

Posted on December 08, 2015 by Jenny Cromack

Christmas starters

Here are two very simple and tasty Christmas starters that are ideal for any dinner party or a Christmas get together. Both these recipes can be made quickly and prepared in advance and not a sprout in sight!

Lime and Fennel Smoked Salmon
Serves 4

Kcal 138, Protein 10g, Carbs 3g, Fat 10g Sat 1g


  • 140g smoked salmon
  • 1 fennel, finely sliced
  • 1 red onion, finely sliced
  • juice 1 lime
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • A little black pepper


  1. Divide the smoked salmon over 4 plates. Add the fennel, red onion, lime juice, olive oil and a little black pepper. Arrange over the salmon and serve.
  2. Divide the salmon over 4 pates. Add the remaining of the ingredients to a bowl mix together then add to the top of the salmon

Seared Scollops With Kale

Kcal 146, Protein 18g, Carbs 1g, Fat 8g Sat 1g


  • 1 tbsp of oil
  • garlic, 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • zest and juice of 2 lemons
  • 300g kale
  • 50g anchovies, chopped
  • 9 large scallops, remove the roe and halve
  • small knob of organic butter


  1. Heat the oil in the pan and add the shallots, garlic and lemon zest to the pan and cook until they are soft.
  2. Add the greens and the anchovies and cook for 5 minutes until they are wilted
  3. In the mean time cook the scollops in the pan for 1-2 minutes each side.
  4. Add the butter and stir until it melts
  5. Divide the cabbage and scallops between 6 plates and serve with the pan juices spooned over.