Posts in “Wellbeing”

Exercise | homepage | Informative | Motivation | Training | Wellbeing

Periodisation for Fitness: Not Just for Athletes, but for Your Holiday Goals Too!

When people hear the term “periodisation,” they often think of athletes meticulously planning their training for competitions or races. However, periodisation isn’t just for elite sports—it’s a powerful tool that can help anyone achieve their fitness goals, including getting in shape for that upcoming holiday. By understanding and applying the principles of periodisation, you can […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Motivation | Training | Wellbeing

A Personal Trainers Training Story

Kate recently shared a social post on what our personal trainers goals are here at Motive8 North. This got me thinking a bit about my goals, why and what I train and my fitness journey. Unlike the rest of the team, who seemed to be working towards a competition, one of my main goals is […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Wellbeing

Navigating Nutrition: Ultra-Processed Foods and Your Health

Our predictions of fitness trends for 2024 included a focus on ultra-processed food and your health. And we were right! These energy dense, low nutrient, additive filled, convenient and reasonably cheap foods; are widely available and may already form part of your diet without you even properly realising it. But surely everything is ok in […]

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Challenge | Health | homepage | Motivation | Wellbeing

Walking 10,000 steps a day

A couple of weeks ago I set a challenge to walk 10,000 steps a day. It was only for 5 days, starting with 2000 and adding 2000 every day. As a personal trainer it seems easy to just remind my clients about getting their steps in, but the actual reality of trying to get them […]

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homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Stress | Wellbeing

Mindful in May – Breathing stress away.

Recently, I (Emily) was invited to a corporate client to lead a weekly mindfulness/breathwork session, to promote Mindful in May. Breathing is usually regulated through the autonomic nervous system but we also have the ability to control it consciously. Different states of being have different breathing patterns, for example, when we are stressed the breath […]

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Fitness | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Top Tips | Wellbeing

Move More, Sit Less

Did you know that pre-covid, adults were sitting on average 9 hours a day? Would it surprise you if we said that post-pandemic, adults were now sitting on average 12 hours a day!? Hybrid working has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages! Here are our top tips for people working from home to […]

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Fitness | Health | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Wellbeing

Top tips: Healthy habits to start…

Often, for New Year’s resolutions people start setting their goals for all the things they want to give up – drinking, unhealthy eating, smoking etc. and it is very much focused on how they DON’T want to feel/look. The problem with this is that our attention is now focused on that thing that we don’t […]

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Abdominal muscle | Challenge | Competative | Events | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Informative | instagram | Mental Health | Mindset | Motivation | Sleep | Squat | Top Tips | Training | Wellbeing | Workout

Charity Coastal Ramble

Motive8 are taking part in Yorkshire’s Brain Tumour Charity’s ‘North Yorkshire Coastal Ramble ‘– a 21.5 mile walk from Scarborough to Whitby on the 10th September. From coast to coast, beach to beach, views to views, sand to sand…….Ladies and Gentleman… Let’s get ready to RAMBLE! Once you’ve signed up and have committed to the […]

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Diet | Fitness | Health | homepage | Informative | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Wellbeing

Mental Health and Fitness – A Complicated Relationship

Today I wanted to write about a topic slightly different from the usual blog. Often, especially as a person working in the fitness industry, it is easy to have blinders on and only focus on the technical aspects of training: nutrition and health. We become so focused on HOW you should be training that we […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle | Running | Training | Wellbeing

Exercise, Activity and Movement – How much should I do?

When it comes to exercise it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of information, all of differing quality and sometimes offering completely opposing advice. Specifically questions about exercise, daily activity and movement can all cause huge amounts of controversy as well as information overload. So today we’re going to have a look at some […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Training | Wellbeing

A yoga teacher’s guide to starting yoga….

Have you ever muttered the words “I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible enough”? As yoga teachers, we hear it a lot. Guess what? You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. Flexibility is more of a side effect of yoga. Let me break some things down for you to give you a better […]

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Challenge | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Weight Loss | Wellbeing

Seasonal Goal Setting

How many people do you know who maybe don’t take their food and exercise as seriously over the Winter months? Then before we know it, Winter comes to an end and we start to look for our Summer bodies (they’re there, just protected under a little extra layer!). Spring is a perfect time to get […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Catabolic | Diet | Fitness | Health | High protein | Lifestyle | Low Fat | Nutrition | Recipes | Supplements | Vegetarian | Weight Loss | Wellbeing

What is the best diet for me?

It’s really tricky nowadays working out what kind of diet is right for you. There is so much information, accurate, bogus or contested, that circulates all over our social media, the TV and in our conversations with others. Today I’m going to break down some of the essential information for you to make an informed […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Motivation | News | Personal Training | Top Tips | Training | Wellbeing | Workout

Can fitness apps be as effective as a personal trainer?

A recent BBC article posed the question “can fitness apps be as effective as a personal trainer?” In this article there was a discussion on the use of new fitness apps over face-to-face 1-to-1 personal training with a human instructor. Now of course I believe that personal trainers are more effective than existing fitness apps, […]

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Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Motivation | Personal Training | Training | Wellbeing

Member of the Month – Clare Williamson

Clare has been training with motive8 since 2011. But it’s her dedication to her training – especially throughout lockdown that has resulted in the “member of the month” accolade! We trained together in really tough weather conditions when we couldn’t open the gym – but no matter what, Clare still gives every session 100%. She […]

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