Posts in “Training”

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How To Move More in 2021

The BBC recently released a “21 ways to get fit in 2021” blog, which started us thinking…. what if the goal you have set this year isn’t so much a ‘getting fitter’ goal, but more of a ‘move more’ goal. There’s no pretending that these lock downs haven’t made some of us more sedentary during […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Challenge | homepage | Lifestyle | Motivation | Top Tips | Training | Wellbeing

Top Fitness Tips For 2021

Say goodbye to what was 2020 and hellooooo to what can only be a much better 2021! And whilst the new year rolls in with some restrictions, we shouldn’t let that dampen our fitness mojo. So our team of personal trainers have put together their top fitness tips for 2021 to keep you motivated. Jenny […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Top Tips | Training | Workout

Top Tips For Planning Your Training

It can often be overwhelming and confusing to say the least when it comes to planning a workout ready to hit the gym. With so many exercises out there it’s almost impossible to choose, let alone only choose a few to cram into a 60-minute session?! And then we have to decide what to train, […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Running | Training | Workout

Treadmill Workouts

It’s got to that time of year where, for some, it gets that little bit harder to motivate yourself to get out there for a run. The dark nights/mornings, the colder weather, the rain….it’s enough to put you off! But just because you’re a ‘fair weather’ runner, it doesn’t mean you need to stop running….just […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Training

Back Care & Back Pain

This week is Back Care Awareness Week! So it only feels right to speak up about back pain, the commonness of it, potential causes and risk factors! Back pain is, unfortunately, a very common condition. 1 in 7 general practice consultations are associated with back pain and 3.4 million working days were lost in 2016-17 […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Stress | Training


We all know it’s easier said than done to just ‘relax’ and ‘chill out’ when we feel stressed. How many times has a friend told you they are stressed, and you’ve told them to take ‘some time out’, ‘have a bit of me time’ but, how often do you listen to these wise words yourself? […]

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Fitness | Health | homepage | Motivation | strength | Training | Workout

Getting Back Into The Gym

Gyms have been open now for a few weeks… is it going for you? Have you made the first step of getting back into the gym? Returning to the gym after a long time off can be daunting to say the least (let alone after months of lockdown!) and as much as we don’t like […]

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Diet | Health | High protein | homepage | Nutrition | Training | Workout

Pre Workout Nutrition – What Should I Eat Before A Workout?

Now that gyms are back up and running and we are slowly finding ourway with the new processes implemented to keep us safe whilst we train, here is a blog about what to consume BEFORE a workout to ensure you are achieving your maximal potential during your workouts. It’s great easing back into the gym, […]

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Beth’s Mam’s No Pastry Quiche Recipe

Did you know this month is National Picnic Month? According to research most households go for three picnics a year. Quiche’s are great for a picnic but due to the pastry, they tend to be high in saturated fats so here’s a healthy version of a quiche courtesy of personal trainer, Beth. Actually, we should […]

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Fitness | homepage | strength | Training | Weight Loss | Workout

Fat Burning Circuit

From chatting to people about their experience of exercise during lockdown I get the feeling that people may fall into two camps…. Those who have had more time on their hands and have relished the opportunity to become more active and do more exercise. Those who have had to endure the nightmare of juggling home-schooling, […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Strength Exercises for Cycling

This week is Cycling UK’s ‘Bike Week 2020’, so we thought we would share our top strength exercises for cycling. A recent survey by Sports England which looked at people’s attitudes towards exercise & activity during ‘lockdown’, found that over a period of 7 weeks the number of people cycling in the UK doubled from […]

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Health | homepage | Mental Health | Motivation | Stress | Training | Wellbeing

Exercise And Mental Health

Physical activity and exercise are well known for their positive effects on physical health and medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity as well as diabetes. Sometimes these benefits are often given more attention and emphasis than the positive benefits of exercise and mental health. However, due to the current lockdown situation, this attitude is […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Training | Wellbeing

The Benefits of Walking

Walking yourself to a better you! Walking is an exercise that fits all, as well as being safe, and pretty much easy to do for almost everyone! The benefits of walking are that you can do it from being a child, with your child or with your expected child!  Walking is a form of exercise […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Running | Top Tips | Training

Running Tips For Beginners

It’s nice seeing so many people out running at this time of year. The Spring/Summer months often encourage more people to go out running. Also, the lack of opportunity to get to the gym due to the Covid-19 lockdown means that many people are dusting off their trainers and either giving running a try for […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training | Workout

The Best Workout Kit For Your Home

Right now, there is more access to workouts than there has ever been. The online fitness community has seen a massive surge in classes and personal training being made available. We’ve recently launched our own online platform which has FREE pre-recorded workouts and live workouts too! Interested in joining us? Contact us and we’ll send […]

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