Posts in “Recovery”
Ieuan’s Top Tips For Injury Recovery
Injury can be a very frustrating thing for us, especially when fitness, training or sport play such a big part in our lives. It is often seen as a major threat to our goals and progressions which means we often rush ourselves back to training or don’t do enough of the rehabilitation side of things. […]
Read articleAdapting to Exercise: Optimise Your Workout Goals
Train Well! Rest Well! Make Gains! Following on from last week’s blog about burnout and overtraining this blog will cover the general principles of adaptation and what part rest plays in this process. By understanding this principle, we can make sure we are training optimally but ensuring we are resting enough to make sure we […]
Read articleTraining with Shoulder Pain or Shoulder Impingement
Many people get shoulder pain, and are told it is shoulder impingement, but shoulder impingement in itself is not a diagnosis so to fully rectify the problem you should seek an professional assessment and advice on how to overcome the underlying cause of the impingement. However, if you still have that urge to train and […]
Read articleExercises For Ankle Rehabilitation
Exercise Rehabilitation for Ankle Injuries At some point in our lives we will all have or will “twist” or roll our ankles. In some cases this will be more severe than others. Whether we experience a higher or lower grade sprain, or even a fracture, many people will continue to suffer for months, years, or […]
Read articleBenefits of Sports Massage
The use of sports massage as a preparation or recovery tool for sport and exercise seems to be getting more and more popular. If we understand how it works we can understand what the benefits of sports massage are. What is Sports Massage? Sports massage is a manual technique where a therapist will use their […]
Read articleHernia Recovery Exercises
Hernias and Rehabilitation If you have suffered from a hernia and are looking to get back into activity safely without re-injury or exacerbating your hernia it is important to address the commonly weak areas that may have contributed to the development of a hernia. In a lot of cases with hernias a weakness in the […]
Read articleExercise and Injury Adaptations
Exercise Adaptations for Injuries Despite Summer slowly slipping away from us it is nice to see people still braving the unpredictable weather and hitting the tarmac, along with other activities. This, however, often results in a lot of people picking up injuries, such as muscles strains. The standard initial management applies to the injury where […]
Read articleHow Does Sports Taping Work?
Sports Taping We are seeing more and more athletes sporting various forms of tape on various areas of the body. There are several different types of tape that are used in the world of sport and exercise all aimed at achieving different things. Generally tape can be effective via many mechanisms. However, one important thing […]
Read articleCool Downs – The How and Why!
How many of you finish a workout, immediately get in the shower or grab your kit and go home? As with a warm up being important and often missed, so too is the cool down. During our workout we get our heart beating faster, get our blood pumping around our bodies, get hot and sweaty […]
Read articlePlyometrics and Rehabilitation
Plyometrics’ Place in Rehabilitation! The traditional interpretation of plyometrics is that they are explosive exercises that involve a stretch-shortening cycle of the muscles. This phenomena utilises the reactive ability of the muscles. Repeated bouts of jumping, or reactive drop jumps are examples of traditional plyometric exercises. The muscles go through a phase of stretch before […]
Read articleWarming Up – The How and the Why!
I guarantee that if there is a part of an exercise plan most people miss or choose not to do it is the warm up. Warming up is often seen as a waste of time, and not necessary, but it can be vitally important and can often be the one thing standing between you and […]
Read articleGolf Rehab Exercises
Get Into The Swing… Golf involves the fluid motion and synchronicity of several joints and muscles. There is a lot of rotation and twisting that goes through the hips and lower back as well as a swing of the shoulders and arms. This makes it a web of things that can become an injury issue, […]
Read articleGet Loose with Foam Rolling
What is Foam Rolling? Foam rolling is a technique that is ever growing in popularity. It is a method of self-massage and soft-tissue release. You will see many people rolling around on the gym or studio floor on a cylinder of foam. This is a very simple method of treating yourself for aches, pains, and […]
Read articleManage Your Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Rehabilitation The shoulder is a very complex joint, most of us will have or will do, at some point, experience shoulder pain. The shoulder itself has a large range of movement and is a highly mobile joint. This large range of movement has its downfalls because the stability is sacrificed to achieve these ranges. There […]
Read articleLose Your Lower Back Pain!
Lower back pain (LBP) is a common complaint and effects over 50% of the population and approximately 70% of adults will have episodes of LBP in their lifetime. It is the one of the most common reasons for absence from work. A very small minority of people will have a serious or complex condition but […]
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