Posts in “Motivation”

A Day In The Life of a PT | Abdominal muscle | Building Muscle | Injury | Lifestyle | Motivation | Rehabilitation | Squat | Training

Strength Training Workout

  In my personal opinion, but also an opinion that is shared by many practitioners around the world; strength underpins so many sporting and clinical attributes. Anything from the ability to decelerate, change direction and re-accelerate to the overall quality of life, can be affected by strength. That’s why it’s important to include an element […]

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Diet | Fitness | Motivation | Nutrition | Weight Loss

Calorie Deficits & Weight Loss

Today we’re talking calorie deficits. Calories required to lose weight or in personal training terms what we would describe as being below your ‘maintenance’ calories or what most others would call being “on a diet”.  There is a ton of information out there on dieting. Some of it useful. A LOT of it complete quack or junk!!!. […]

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Top Tips To Being More Confident! You Can Do It!

What is Self-Confidence? Weinberg and Gould (2007) described self-confidence as “the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behaviour.” Self-confidence itself is multidimensional, meaning we can be confidne tin one area of our lives, but less so in other realms. How confident we are depends on the specific behaviour or taask and the sociocultural […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Recovery | Squat | Training

Keep Your Body Ticking Over – Prehab & Recovery Gym Session

As most of you will know I am trying to go through Lent without having a ‘rest day’ – so some sort of training session every day. It’s going well, I have done about three weeks so far without missing a training session and by my maths I have about two and a bit weeks […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Fitness | Lifestyle | Motivation | Nutrition | Personal Training | Training | Weight Loss

My Dieting Experience (Part 1)

The other week I did a corporate talk titled Ditch the Diet. It occurred to me that I have never really truly dieted myself. Although my weight maintenance is on point. I think I’ve weighed around 58kg +/- 1kg for around eight years (I was much skinnier than that before). For the exception of my […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Training

What Is Burnout? And Why Do We Get It?

  It is usually around this time of year that people start giving up on the gym, one reason for this we call ‘burnout’. Some people may just have a lack of motivation or not sufficient drive to reach their goals, whereas burnout can be caused due to several different factors. So how do you […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Training

Beyond The Gym…..The Other Benefits of Exercise

We all know exercise can help you lose fat, get fitter, tone up, help you become stronger, etc. But is that it? Absolutely not, doing any exercise, sport and physical activity goes far beyond the gym, getting fitter and losing weight. A lot of the below will be abit ‘left field thinking’ or ‘thinking slightly […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Abdominal muscle | Anabolism | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Motivation | Personal Training | Training | Weight Loss

20 Minute HIIT Workout

Ever wonder what your personal trainers get up to on a weekend? It’s not rest. Sometimes they meet up and do HIIT (high intensity interval training) sessions together on a Sunday just for fun. I’m personally a fan of HIIT (high intensity interval training). It’s a great fat burner and is also beneficial for cardiovascular […]

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Ieuan’s New Training Perspective – Keeping Your Training Fresh

Prior to Christmas I was feeling a lull in my motivation to train and get my backside to the gym. I was becoming tired of constantly going through the same motions, the same exercises, the same set and rep protocols, and generally knowing what was coming from the rigmarole that was my training. My rapidly […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Exercise | homepage | Lifestyle | Motivation | Nutrition | Personal Training

My Do It In 12 Journey

The testimonials and the photos speak for themselves when it comes to the Do It In 12 personal training programme. If we’ve had such a great success and we know that the package works; why would a personal trainer do it? To experience the challenge of course! Do It In 12 is not easy. We ask our personal training clients […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Motivation | Training

Lunchtime 30 Minute Workouts

One of the traps I think people fall into is worrying that if they workout they must do an hour. Well, all I can say is codswallop! If you know what you’re doing and are prepared to work hard then I believe you can still get amazing results in 30 minutes, so I’m going to share not […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Psychology

Get Motivated: Client and Personal Trainer Perspectives

We are almost a month after the Christmas break, the gyms have been bustling with new gym members and old stalewarts. It is around this time we would expect to see some of the new years resolutioners’ enthusiasm begin to diminish. Is the spark for your fitness fix begeinning to fade? Are you struggling to […]

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