Posts in “Mindset”

A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Training

What Fitness Means to Me

No, I’m not here to try and come up with some arbitrary definition of fitness.  I’m actually here to talk about what fitness means to me: my own relationship with health and exercise; what drives me to train, and why I enjoy the process so much. A little about my background Although slightly odd for […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Training

Motive8’s September Members Of The Month

Yes. It’s Members, plural, this month. Simply because we couldn’t pick one and not the other. You’ll find this dynamic duo training together at lunch times; taking over the end room and giggling like – well, girls! But don’t misunderstand their girly giggles; as these ladies take their lifting seriously. Gym members Mel and Elyse […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Training

National Fitness Day – What Does Fitness Mean To You?

The 26th September is National Fitness Day (NFD). A whole day dedicated especially to fitness!  NFD will raise awareness of the benefits of fitness and activity on our health. At Motive8 North, this is our passion and we have a whole week of promotions and activities coming up. Each trainer will also be writing a […]

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Diet | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Nutrition | Psychology | Training

Changing Your Eating; It’s Not All About Looking Good

Changing Our Eating; It’s Not All About Looking Good As Personal Trainers we get a lot of questions regarding how to change our eating habits, and peoples motives are very often image driven. I’ve spoken previously about not relying on the scales for image. Good nutrition, however, is not all about looking good. Appearance is […]

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Mental Health | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Stress | Uncategorized

Exercise and mental health

It’s mental health awareness week for those of you who didn’t already know. Poor mental health is becoming a serious concern for many. Stress is a big contributing factor in the rise of ill-mental health. Stress itself isn’t directly a mental health condition. But our inability to cope with stress can lead to the decline […]

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Diet | Fitness | Mindset | Motivation | Nutrition | Personal Training | Training | Weight Loss

Which Diet Works The Best?

Weight Watchers? Atkins? Ketogenic? Cabbage soup? Paleo? Vegetarian? Mediterranean? You’ve likely heard of one or more of these diets. You may well have tried one or two. But which diet works the best? The question should be “best at what?”. Diet can be defined as “the food we habitually eat”. As in “junk food diet” […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Training | Weight Loss

Client Success Stories – Joanne Baranelli

It’s great to have an opportunity to share our client success stories – especially when they prove people wrong! Joanne is one such example. She proved that regardless of having her own business, she could make time to exercise and plan her food. She also showed us that it definitely does NOT slow down when […]

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homepage | Mental Health | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Training

Top Tips To Being More Confident! You Can Do It!

What is Self-Confidence? Weinberg and Gould (2007) described self-confidence as “the belief that you can successfully perform a desired behaviour.” Self-confidence itself is multidimensional, meaning we can be confidne tin one area of our lives, but less so in other realms. How confident we are depends on the specific behaviour or taask and the sociocultural […]

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homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Psychology | Stress | Training

Top 5 Stress Management Tips

Stress Management: A “Real World” Perspective In recent weeks I published a blog article on the whats, whys, and hows of stress which drew on some of the psychology of stress and the management of stress. What I wanted to do with the current article was to offer a little more of a “real world” […]

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homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Mindset | Stress

Mental Health Awareness

What is Mental Health? The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as: “A state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Mental health affects […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Fitness | High protein | Lifestyle | Mindset | Nutrition | Training | Weight Loss

My Dieting Experience (Part 2)

Part 2 of my dieting experience; this was meant to be part one or the only part actually, but I got carried away with writing so split it into two! I recently attempted to diet as an experiment (again! Call it market research…..I care about my clients!). I had absolutely no need to diet! This […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Recovery | Squat | Training

Keep Your Body Ticking Over – Prehab & Recovery Gym Session

As most of you will know I am trying to go through Lent without having a ‘rest day’ – so some sort of training session every day. It’s going well, I have done about three weeks so far without missing a training session and by my maths I have about two and a bit weeks […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Training

What Is Burnout? And Why Do We Get It?

  It is usually around this time of year that people start giving up on the gym, one reason for this we call ‘burnout’. Some people may just have a lack of motivation or not sufficient drive to reach their goals, whereas burnout can be caused due to several different factors. So how do you […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Training

Beyond The Gym…..The Other Benefits of Exercise

We all know exercise can help you lose fat, get fitter, tone up, help you become stronger, etc. But is that it? Absolutely not, doing any exercise, sport and physical activity goes far beyond the gym, getting fitter and losing weight. A lot of the below will be abit ‘left field thinking’ or ‘thinking slightly […]

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Exercise | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Training

Ieuan’s New Training Perspective – Keeping Your Training Fresh

Prior to Christmas I was feeling a lull in my motivation to train and get my backside to the gym. I was becoming tired of constantly going through the same motions, the same exercises, the same set and rep protocols, and generally knowing what was coming from the rigmarole that was my training. My rapidly […]

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