Posts in “Mindset”

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Self Care Day – Top Tips for Self Care

Self care should be an essential part of everyone’s daily routine, but we’re often either putting other people first or too busy caught up with other elements of our lives that we forget about looking after ourselves. The 24th July is Self Care Day, so we thought it was important share some top tips for […]

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Sustainable Weight Loss

Our personal training clients work with us for many reasons Whilst weight loss isn’t the primary motivation for some people, it can still often feature high on the agenda as a reason to work with a personal trainer. During a client’s consultation we will often hear about how new clients have lost weight in the […]

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Secrets of a Personal Trainer – Keeping Clients on Track

When we take on new personal training clients, I tend to find they often fall into one of two categories: Whatever someone’s exercise experience, nutritional knowledge motivation levels will vary from person to person. So, as personal trainers, how do we go about keeping our clients on track? Accountability – Accountability with PT clients comes […]

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Mindful in May – Breathing stress away.

Recently, I (Emily) was invited to a corporate client to lead a weekly mindfulness/breathwork session, to promote Mindful in May. Breathing is usually regulated through the autonomic nervous system but we also have the ability to control it consciously. Different states of being have different breathing patterns, for example, when we are stressed the breath […]

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The Power Of A Morning Routine.

What sort of a morning person are you? Start work at 8am out of bed at 7:30am; rushing out the door half dressed, stressed and straight to StarBucks for your morning caffeine hit before work? Or maybe you’re the opposite and in the gym for 5am, followed by meditation and a healthy, sit-down breakfast. Which […]

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Top tips: Healthy habits to start…

Often, for New Year’s resolutions people start setting their goals for all the things they want to give up – drinking, unhealthy eating, smoking etc. and it is very much focused on how they DON’T want to feel/look. The problem with this is that our attention is now focused on that thing that we don’t […]

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Workout of the week- Core Burn

Here we are again, another workout for the week. Its been decent weather recently (a bit nippy at times). Hot enough to burn calories just standing there on certain days. So we are going to bring continuance of the burn with this workout – a core burn! This is a time trial workout. The faster, […]

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Motive8 Games

And it’s the tale of the take; the story of the titans; the moment of truth, this is MOTIVE8 GAMES! When it’s the 21st September 2022, its National Fitness day! A day we acknowledge and challenge our own fitness – Nationally. A day we get to compete and meet new people. A day we have […]

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Never Give Up Day – 1 year on.

Just looking up what awareness days were coming up and I see it was “Never Give Up Day” on the 18th August. Wow! Has it been a year since I wrote about Never Give Up Day 2021? We were just coming out of our third (and so far, final) national lockdown. Life as we knew […]

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Charity Coastal Ramble

Motive8 are taking part in Yorkshire’s Brain Tumour Charity’s ‘North Yorkshire Coastal Ramble ‘– a 21.5 mile walk from Scarborough to Whitby on the 10th September. From coast to coast, beach to beach, views to views, sand to sand…….Ladies and Gentleman… Let’s get ready to RAMBLE! Once you’ve signed up and have committed to the […]

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8 Week Programme for the Abbey Dash 10K

Here at motive8 we recognise the importance for runners to cross train. With this in mind, motive8 will be delivering an 8 week programme specifically aimed at runners. The bonus is that it is timed perfectly to get people ready for the Abbey Dash! This programme is not here to make you run (you’ll have […]

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Change & Mindset – How to keep your training fun and dynamic!

It’s common for people to say they don’t like going to the gym because they don’t know what to do and eventually get bored. Similarly, people may start training, and be making good progress, but eventually they find the same old routine is just not exciting enough to keep them engaged. Then they find reasons […]

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Mental Health and Fitness – A Complicated Relationship

Today I wanted to write about a topic slightly different from the usual blog. Often, especially as a person working in the fitness industry, it is easy to have blinders on and only focus on the technical aspects of training: nutrition and health. We become so focused on HOW you should be training that we […]

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Seasonal Goal Setting

How many people do you know who maybe don’t take their food and exercise as seriously over the Winter months? Then before we know it, Winter comes to an end and we start to look for our Summer bodies (they’re there, just protected under a little extra layer!). Spring is a perfect time to get […]

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A PT’s guide to…holding yourself accountable.

Oh February how we love you (not!). Deep dark winter, still skint from Christmas, all those Christmas and New Year treats and booze have taken a toll on the waistline and our fitness New Years resolutions are already down the pan. So, some things we can’t change but just because you haven’t got off on […]

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