Posts in “Injury”

Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Running | Training | Uncategorized

Lower Leg Strengthening For Runners

Following on from one of my previous blogs about strengthening the upper leg, here is an article covering some exercises for lower leg strengthening for runners. By balancing the strength and mobility in this area we can help prevent, and manage, common running complaints such shin splints or Achilles tendinopathy. As in the previous blog […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Classes | Events | Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Recovery | Training

My Pink Collar Boxing Challenge!

It’s an understatement to say that the last 6-9 months have been a challenge for me – both physically and mentally. My back pain returned with absolutely debilitating results. I had to stop 99% of my physical activity, simply because there were days where getting out of bed was almost impossible. Movement has often been severely […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Recovery | Running | Training | Uncategorized

Upper Leg Strengthening for Runners

Do you suffer from chronic or returning hip, knee, or ankle pain when running? Often these “overuse” or gradual onset injuries are related to imbalances in muscular strength and soft tissue flexibility. This article will offer some prehabilitation/rehabilitation exercises to help strengthen commonly weak muscles and “iron out” those tight tissues. As a runner it […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle

Posture Advice Part 4 – Watch Your Legs!

How you sit or stand plays an important role in your overall posture. If you slouch in your chair or stand on one leg – they both have postural implications. When we stand, we want to have our legs parallel to each other with our knees and toes pointing forward. When we sit we want […]

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Injury | Recovery | Uncategorized

Acute Injury Management

Call The P.O.L.I.C.E! Many of us will experience an injury in some shape or form, and will need to manage the initial symptoms of these injuries. Over the years we have been taught several acronyms to help with injury management and treat these acute injuries: ICE – Ice, Compression, Elevation PRICE – Protection, Rest, Ice, […]

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Abdominal muscle | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle | Training

Posture Advice Part 3 – Lordosis

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people will suffer with non-specific lower back pain – that’s pain which cannot be attributed to spinal structural problems or infection. It’s a scary number – so why aren’t we doing more to help stop the pain from occurring in the first place? It’s probably because as […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Running | Training | Uncategorized

Top 5 Exercises for Running Injuries

The world of running opens us up a vast list of common injuries that can be hugely debilitating on not only our training but also our lives in general. Many of these injuries tend to be progressive and chronic such as medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints). Often these injuries have some ties to running […]

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Exercise | Injury | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Training

Posture Advice Part 1 – Forward Head

With the end of our Fitness Week at our Saxton Personal Training studio drawing to a close, I wanted to share some of the most common postural “problems” or questions that I was asked. So here is part 1 of our posture advice series. The fact that so many people displayed the forward head posture […]

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Exercise | Fitness | High protein | Injury | Recovery | Training | Uncategorized

Ankle Sprains: Return to Sport

Ankles are the bane of many athletes lives, such as footballers, they suffer ankle injuries such as ankle sprainsand often see them returning season long. One way to minimise this recurrence is to ensure a safe return sport/activity; when you are ready to tackle the demands of said sport/activity. Ankle sprains often occur in the […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Training | Uncategorized

Seated Dumbbell Workout

Sitting down doesn’t have to be easy, and the gym doesn’t have to be out of bounds when injuries creep in. Injuries to the lower limbs and the back can be very frustrating, especially for those who love hitting the gym and pumping iron. It doesn’t have to stop us ticking over with our training […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Recovery | Running | Training | Uncategorized

Running and Injury Prevention

Following on from last week’s blog about the benefits of strength and conditioning and running, this weeks article looks at running and injury prevention. Specifically, the use of stretching and other methods in preventing injury for runners. Several academic articles offer contradicting findings and conclusions but this article is based upon a review of the […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury

Which is Best for Injury – Ice or Heat?

Have you noticed a theme with my blogs recently?!? This current spate of back pain has actually helped me learn a lot (silver lining in everything!), and it’s only right that I share it with everyone! I’m not a pain killer type person so when my back has been bad I’ve been using heat patches. I […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle

What’s the Difference – Chiropractor vs Osteopath

This week I booked myself in to see the Osteopath who previously helped me with my back. When one of my clients asked why an Osteopath and not a Chiropractor I only had two answers – I don’t like having my neck cracked and that’s what Chiropractors do (from past experience), and that I was […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury

Yoga For Lower Back Pain

This has been a bad back week. Anyone who follows my blogs will know that I suffer from intermittent lower back problems. For some reason – without doing anything different – I have been in agony since Saturday. I’ve had to use an abundance of heat patches, and try and find new ways to get […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Recovery | Training

Static vs Dynamic Stretching

Stretching has long been the advice of most fitness and health professionals. It is, in my opinion, important that the type of stretching is appropriate for your goals of stretching, so this blog looks at static vs dynamic stretching. Many people will simply perform a static stretch that involves holding a position for a prolonged […]

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