Posts in “homepage”

Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Motivation | Training | Workout

Back and Shoulder Workout

Back and Shoulders, Push and Pull, Flexion and Extension – that’s what you’ll be doing throughout this whole workout. This is the workout of every person dream who wants to build muscle and define them individually. Its efficient, can be quick and you don’t need much rest time. So first we start with a warm […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Training | Wellbeing

A yoga teacher’s guide to starting yoga….

Have you ever muttered the words “I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible enough”? As yoga teachers, we hear it a lot. Guess what? You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. Flexibility is more of a side effect of yoga. Let me break some things down for you to give you a better […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training | Workout

Boxing for Fitness – Why It’s so great!

It’s no secret that I love combat sports, I have dedicated my whole adult life and a large part of my childhood to becoming a true mixed martial artist and becoming proficient in as many fighting disciplines as I could. For most people, their introduction to the whole martial arts world can be found in […]

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Diet | Fitness | Health | High protein | homepage | Nutrition | Recipes

A Day of Eating – What do I eat and why?

At motive8 we do our very best to give straightforward lifestyle advice and recommendations to help supplement the training you do with us. But its also really important to practice what you preach! So with April 7th, World Health Day, having just passed, I thought it would be a good idea to break down what […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Running | Training

HIIT and Cardio

There has been a recent popularisation of HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training as the new go-to form of cardio for you to get into. But what is HIIT? Why is it getting such acclaim? Furthermore, what’s the point of cardio at all? It’s often people’s least favourite part of a workout, can we get […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | strength | Training

A Personal Trainers Guide to….Gym Accessories

When people start consistently going to the gym and begin taking their health and fitness more seriously, it is not uncommon to start exploring the plethora of gym accessories available. From protein shake bottles to specialist trainers, from fancy gloves to complicated contraptions, the amount of supplementary gym goods you can buy is nearly endless […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Motivation | Training | Workout

Lunchtime 30min HIIT

The Tuesday lunchtime class here at motive8 North is a 30min HIIT and core class. With more people coming back to the offices it’s a perfect way to break up your day and get your heart rate pumping! HIIT classes are great because they usually use little to no equipment and can be done anywhere. […]

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Challenge | Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Weight Loss | Wellbeing

Seasonal Goal Setting

How many people do you know who maybe don’t take their food and exercise as seriously over the Winter months? Then before we know it, Winter comes to an end and we start to look for our Summer bodies (they’re there, just protected under a little extra layer!). Spring is a perfect time to get […]

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homepage | Motivation | News | Personal Training | Training

Motive8 member of the month

At motive8 you know we love to celebrate our clients and Christine is our new member of the month. What makes me so proud is the dedication our clients have to us and their training, it reminds me that we’re obviously doing something right and delivering our promises to you. How long have you been […]

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Health | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Training

A PT’s guide to…holding yourself accountable.

Oh February how we love you (not!). Deep dark winter, still skint from Christmas, all those Christmas and New Year treats and booze have taken a toll on the waistline and our fitness New Years resolutions are already down the pan. So, some things we can’t change but just because you haven’t got off on […]

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Challenge | Classes | Exercise | homepage | Motivation | Training | Workout

Descending Sets Workout

Since making some changes to our class timetable, I’ve been experimenting with different formats for my Friday lunchtime class. My aim is that I create a workout that people want to get a copy of and do in their own time – so I plan my classes with that in mind. As such, a circuit […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Massage | Motivation | News

Meet our New Gym Instructor Courtney

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce our new gym instructor – Courtney aka Mr Core! He’s a passionate fitness instructor who is also qualified in Sports Massage Therapy. Courtney is looking forward to being a motive8 family member and is fully dedicated in improving client’s health and fitness. What was the attraction of […]

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Christmas | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Top Tips

Keeping well over Winter

Over winter we all get little sniffles, colds and illnesses that make the already chilly weather and dark evenings that much more miserable! As much as calling in sick, wrapping yourself in blankets and whacking Netflix on sounds like a dreamboat, if you’ve already gotten yourself ill, even this winter pastime can be ruined. So […]

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Exercise | homepage | Motivation | Personal Training | Squat | Training

A Personal Trainers Guide To….Squats!

If you are a regular reader of our blogs, you will know that the Personal Training team here at motive8 get together regularly to discuss all things fitness related. Last week, we discussed what I like to call the “King of Exercises” – squats. We covered everything from the muscles worked, foot positions, what good […]

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Classes | Exercise | Health | homepage | Mental Health | Motivation | Personal Training | Training

Member of the Month – Tom Bickley

Introducing our newest member of the month, Tom Bickley. Not only does he work his socks off in our classes, but he is also smashing his personal training sessions with Josh. His positive attitude is infectious and we’re loving watching his progress. How long have you trained at motive8? I used to train at the […]

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