Posts in “homepage”

A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Personal Training

4 Top Tips On Goal Setting and Sticking To New Goals

We write a lot about goals. As personal trainers, we help our clients to realise and hit their goals; it’s integral to our role. As a client, you find the ownership, determination, will power, enthusiasm and perseverance to achieve those goals. This week, through our Do It In 12 programme, I experienced a different perspective on […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Personal Training | Training

motive8 Member of the Month

February sees the relaunch of our member of the month award! This month’s member of the month is ….drum roll…….Grant Walker! Grant is a gym member at motive8 and trains around three times a week. He’s a ‘crack on and get on with it’ type of guy, but always has time for a friendly chat […]

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Diet | homepage | Lifestyle | Low Fat | Nutrition | Recipes | Vegetarian

Roasted Vegetable Soup Recipe

I know what you’re thinking; we can’t seriously be giving you a recipe for roasted vegetable soup?! Surely, you just chop up some veg, whack them in the oven, blitz them in a blender and hey presto, done. Nope. For starters, I’m not blitzing all  of the veg as I’m making a chunky soup. Secondly, […]

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Exercise | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Training

Ieuan’s New Training Perspective – Keeping Your Training Fresh

Prior to Christmas I was feeling a lull in my motivation to train and get my backside to the gym. I was becoming tired of constantly going through the same motions, the same exercises, the same set and rep protocols, and generally knowing what was coming from the rigmarole that was my training. My rapidly […]

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homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Psychology | Stress

The Whats, Whys, and Hows of Stress!

What is Stress? Generally, we see stress as sense of pressure, negative emotions, and unpleasant tension. Contemporary, psychological, definitions of stress break the concept down. It is broken down into “stressors” (e.g., external environmental factors) and the “response to the stressors” (e.g., feeling pressured). The concept of stress involves physiological, behavioural, and psychological consequences. Stress […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Exercise | homepage | Lifestyle | Motivation | Nutrition | Personal Training

My Do It In 12 Journey

The testimonials and the photos speak for themselves when it comes to the Do It In 12 personal training programme. If we’ve had such a great success and we know that the package works; why would a personal trainer do it? To experience the challenge of course! Do It In 12 is not easy. We ask our personal training clients […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Motivation | Training

Lunchtime 30 Minute Workouts

One of the traps I think people fall into is worrying that if they workout they must do an hour. Well, all I can say is codswallop! If you know what you’re doing and are prepared to work hard then I believe you can still get amazing results in 30 minutes, so I’m going to share not […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Injury | Running | Training

Bulletproof Your Running

Running Injury Management Having recently attended an extremely valuable talk on running injury, the following article to ‘bulletproof your running’ provides my reflections and the useful concepts that were shared. The talk was given by a very knowledgeable, experienced, and research driven guy called Peter Francis, who is based at Leeds Beckett and heads up […]

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Diet | High protein | homepage | Low Fat | Recipes

Meat and Veggie Frittata Recipes

Looking for a healthy meal, that can easily manipulate dependent on your food cravings, that is very quick and easy to make and also tastes great. Look no further than my frittata recipes. If, like me, you aren’t amazing in the kitchen, but you want to eat as healthily as possible with little effort then […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Personal Training | Squat | Training

Barbell Endurance Workout

I’m participating in a number of endurance events this year. The swim22 for Diabetes starts in February (swim 22miles in 12 weeks), the Yorkshire 3 Peaks is in May and then I have a number of cycling events in the following months. As such, I need to crosstrain in an endurance way so that my […]

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Diet | Fitness | High protein | homepage | Nutrition | Quick meals | Recipes

Ieuan’s Prawn Gumbo Recipe

Ieuan’s Prawn Gumbo!   This Prawn Gumbo recipe is perfect for the cold nights/lunches that we are about to put behind us. If you are the type of person that likes nice easy meals and preparing multiple meals, then this Prawn Gumbo is perfect as it is a one-stop-pot that will serve up many delicious […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Psychology

Get Motivated: Client and Personal Trainer Perspectives

We are almost a month after the Christmas break, the gyms have been bustling with new gym members and old stalewarts. It is around this time we would expect to see some of the new years resolutioners’ enthusiasm begin to diminish. Is the spark for your fitness fix begeinning to fade? Are you struggling to […]

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Diet | High protein | homepage | Low Fat | Nutrition | Quick meals | Recipes | Vegetarian

Lentil and Coconut Soup Recipe

  I promise that this Lentil and Coconut Soup tastes better than this picture makes it look! There are times in an evening where you’d like something uncomplicated but tasty to eat – and this is it! Therefore this Lentil and Coconut Soup has become a staple in our household. Not only does it take […]

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Diet | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Nutrition

Is Dry January Worth It?

Dry January hit the news this week. The Independent looked at what happens to the body when you go “cold turkey” and give up the booze; another newspaper stated that only two thirds of people will stick with it until the end of the month. There’s no denying it, for some December is a month of excess. […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Squat | Training

All In One Workout

Coaching, movement and exercise is my job, but it is also my passion. My biggest philosophy is ‘what is the point of doing a movement if you’re not going to do it right’ – I really mean as close to perfect as possible. Relating everything back to science is also key in my session planning. […]

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