Posts in “Health”

Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Wellbeing

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Earlier in the week, as part of National Diabetes Week, we blogged about diabetes and looked at what diabetes is. We thought we would use this blog to look at Type 2 Diabetes in more detail and how you can prevent getting Type 2 Diabetes. Physical activity and diet adjustments are two main approaches known […]

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Health | homepage | Wellbeing

Diabetes Week – What Is Diabetes?

Its Diabetes Week! The aim of Diabetes Week is to spread awareness, increase knowledge and help diabetes prevention across the UK! It’s likely that we know at least one person who suffers or has experienced a life with diabetes but it also likely that we have a lack an understanding of what it actually is […]

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Health | homepage | Sleep | Wellbeing

Sleep More! It May Be Your Secret To Better Progress!

A small percentage of just 10% of people prioritise their sleep over everything else such as work, nutrition, socialising and even exercise. Those 10% of people are probably aware of the fact that sleep is the most powerful thing known to man! It’s also a factor in many people’s life that is often severely underestimated […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Wellbeing

Good And Bad Foods….Is There Such A Thing?

We’ve all heard or probably even used the term ‘bad’ for certain foods and drinks and ‘good’ for others. But, how do we know what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, is there a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ food? Does the meaning even exist? Here’s a short task for you. When you think of a ‘bad’ food what […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Wellbeing

The Basics of Nutrition

Why do we eat? We eat to fuel of course! Without food, our body can not produce an adequate amount of energy to reach the demands of the body and the body’s functions. But, if you asked most people why they eat they would probably also list reasons such as ‘to socialise’, ‘because I enjoy […]

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Health | homepage | Mental Health | Motivation | Stress | Training | Wellbeing

Exercise And Mental Health

Physical activity and exercise are well known for their positive effects on physical health and medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity as well as diabetes. Sometimes these benefits are often given more attention and emphasis than the positive benefits of exercise and mental health. However, due to the current lockdown situation, this attitude is […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Wellbeing

What Is Hypertension?

Did you know that the 17th May is National Hypertension Day? Some of you may be reading this and thinking what is hypertension? This short blog aims to help you get a better understanding of blood pressure and what hypertension is about? What Is Hypertension? Often when we get our blood pressure measured we get […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Training | Wellbeing

The Benefits of Walking

Walking yourself to a better you! Walking is an exercise that fits all, as well as being safe, and pretty much easy to do for almost everyone! The benefits of walking are that you can do it from being a child, with your child or with your expected child!  Walking is a form of exercise […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Quick meals | Recipes | Vegetarian

Spinach And Ricotta Aubergine Cannelloni

Quite a number of years ago I was suffering quite badly with my stomach when I went out for run (that’s all I’m saying about that) and I was advised by a nutritionist to minimise wheat in my diet. It set me on the quest to find alternatives to pasta and this is when I […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Motivation | Nutrition

How To Stay Fuller For Longer

Fuelling for the fullness! The temptation to eat more than we normally do is likely to be a lot higher right now, and to be honest its pretty damn hard to control it when we are stuck indoors with left over Easter chocolate, the kids/your partners snacks and hidden gems lurking in the cupboards and […]

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Diet | Health | homepage | Nutrition | Quick meals | Recipes | Vegetarian

Carrot Soup and Flat Breads

This cooking from my cupboard is getting more adventurous! The other week I wrote a blog about using nutritional yeast and now this! The truth is, soups are easy – and a great way to use veg that maybe isn’t 100% at it’s best (I left the carrots in a warm utility room). The thing […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation

How To Stay Motivated During Lockdown

Making Light Of A “Bad” Situation – How To Tackle The Motivational Dip Following on from an episode of ‘This Morning’ with the lovely Holly & Phil, one of the greatest questions I have heard so far through this whole pandemic is…’What do you want to achieve out of this?’ It may seem a strange […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Mental Health | Mindset | Stress | Training

The Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health

The mental health benefits we get from exercise far outweigh any others in my opinion. Whilst exercise and mental health are obviously closely linked, it’s easy getting caught up in the mindset that exercise is only there for fat loss and weight management or to help with stress. But there are more profound benefits of […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Motivation | Top Tips | Training | Workout

5 Reasons Workouts At Home Are Great!

Whilst the motive8 gym is still open for business, we know that this rapidly changing world of self isolation, home working and limited travel could be used as an excuse for you to forgo your usual workout routine. Yes, your workouts may now need to take a different approach, but still, even without equipment you […]

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Health | homepage | Lifestyle | Mental Health | Sleep

Sleep Myths & Facts

Did you know that March is National Bed Month? Now we’re not saying for a second that everyone should all of a sudden take a “duvet day”! But we do think that people often underestimate the importance of sleep. We have previously written about the importance of sleep for health , and these days most […]

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