Posts in “Exercise”

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TRX Workout

Is the gym packed and no equipment free? Are you short on time and want a quick all over body blast? Perhaps you just want to try something new? Have you ever used a TRX suspension trainer? Whether you have or haven’t, then here’s a cheeky little whole-body TRX workout for you to have a […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Motivation | Training

Cardio, Resistance & Core Workout

I had a choice of 3 workouts to post today. Now that we have introduced “WOW” (Workout Of the Week) in the gym, I have got lots of ideas! I’ve tried to reign it in don’t worry! Today, I have gone back to basics – and why not, the oldies are always the goodies! So […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | homepage | strength | Training

Hamstring Focused Leg Day

As with the upper body, the lower body’s “mirror muscles” such as the quadriceps on the front of the thighs tend to get a lot more attention during training. Being quad dominant can increase your risk of suffering numerous injuries, especially if you are also involved in playing sports. The posterior leg muscles such as […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Squat | strength | Training

Alex’s 20 Minute Super Fast Squat Workout

Have you ever been really short on time but still wanted to get a good workout in?  Perhaps you got caught up in meetings or just couldn’t get out of the office?  Well look no further, because I’ve got the perfect 20 minute super fast squat workout for you.  It’s quick, its effective and it’ll […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Kettlebell Tabata

In this workout, I’ve combined one of my favourite ways to get the dreaded cardio done; with one of my favourite pieces of kit. Low and behold I give you kettlebell tabata! What I like about tabata is that it’s just 4 minutes of work. BOOM. What I like about kettlebells, is that you simply […]

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Exercise | homepage | Motivation | Squat | strength | Training

Improve Your Strength Gains

Have you ever been curious how a workout might look different for various levels of ability?  Well here’s a classic full body strength workout adapted for beginners, intermediates and advanced lifters respectively. This is also a great workout if you’re looking to improve your strength gains. You would start at beginner, train hard to move […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Motivation

February’s Members Of The Month

Marc and Craig started training at the Motive8 gym at the start of the year. They bring a smile and some banter; they work hard, and -more importantly – praise for most of our music choices (although we’re not entirely sure about theirs – they requested Peter Andre’s Mysterious Girl afterall)! It was a no […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Exercise | homepage | Training

Big Back and Boulder Shoulders

When looking to build a strong looking physique, the key areas are a big back and boulder shoulders. Building these two muscle groups will help create a V taper in your upper body and create the illusion of a bigger, more muscular body. Placing more emphasis on back training rather than “mirror” muscles such as […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Squat | Training

Alex’s Training Goals for 2019

Full disclosure, I’ve never been a fan of ‘New Year’s Resolutions,’ mainly because the average one lasts about 13 days!  With that said, I do like setting training goals for the coming year so that I have something solid in my mind to build towards. Put simply, by the end of 2019 I plan to… […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

15 Minute Kettlebell HIIT

I recently recommended the Fitness Blender website to one of my clients who travels a lot and was bored of doing the Body Coaches HIIT. I love Fitness Blender as an accessible – and doable – home workout. They have a lot to choose from! In fact, I took some inspiration for this 15 minute […]

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Transformation Thursday

You may remember Maddie from the previous blog we wrote about her. That was September 2018 and Maddie had lost a stone and a half. But Maddie didn’t stop there. Another Do It In 12 later and a Race For Fitness competition, combined with balancing her food and social life; sees Maddie 2 stone and […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | homepage | Motivation | Squat | Training

Resistance band glute workout

“I like big butts and I cannot lie.” Glute training is all the new hype. Women of Instagram are seen flaunting tiny waists and bodacious curves. “Strong is the new skinny” they all quote. I think a few men are actually getting into training lower body too. To grow your glutes, weekly training should include […]

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Exercise | homepage | Motivation | Training

January’s Member of the Month – Andrew White

We start 2019 by announcing January’s member of the month – Andrew White.  Andrew was unanimously nominated by the Motive8 team. And can I just say that I have never seen someone so excited to get a free drawstring M8 bag and keyring! Not only has Andrew lost half a stone since joining, he always […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Shoulder Workout

For this workout blog I’ve decided to explain the strength program that myself and my personal training client Sam are currently following to try hit our strength goals – new year, new PBs! Firstly as a disclaimer I didn’t create this program, it is an adaptation on Wendler’s 531 program. There are numerous ways this […]

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Power and Plyometric Workout

Wanting to get a bit more powerful and explosive? Perhaps you play a sport that you want to improve at? Or perhaps you just want to feel athletic in your training?  Here’s a great power and plyometric workout that you can blast through in around 45 minutes.   1) Reactive Counter-movement Jumps – 3 sets […]

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