Posts in “Exercise”
Change & Mindset – How to keep your training fun and dynamic!
It’s common for people to say they don’t like going to the gym because they don’t know what to do and eventually get bored. Similarly, people may start training, and be making good progress, but eventually they find the same old routine is just not exciting enough to keep them engaged. Then they find reasons […]
Read articlePump your Arms!
Excuse me! Coming through…. Nothing to see here other than the guy with the best arms imaginable. But I’m not just walking by to show off my guns, I’m here to share knowledge and exercises of how to pump your arms effectively with maximum efficiency! From experience, with “arms” the goals are usually different depending […]
Read articleHIIT the Heart & Core
Right! I’m back with another one. To hit the heart and core, and to answer the most frequently asked question from people who want to lose their “belly”… Question – How do I see my abs? Answer – Exercise your heart and lungs to burn body fat by using cv machines or HIIT exercises. Any […]
Read articleGlute Workout
This workout is for those whose focus on glutes is a primary gain objective. It’s the ‘in’ thing to have a well-rounded backside which in turn, comes with gains on the upper legs – quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors and abductors. Each exercise listed below is designed to focus on your glutes. Please remember – your glutes […]
Read articleExercise, Activity and Movement – How much should I do?
When it comes to exercise it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of information, all of differing quality and sometimes offering completely opposing advice. Specifically questions about exercise, daily activity and movement can all cause huge amounts of controversy as well as information overload. So today we’re going to have a look at some […]
Read articleBack and Shoulder Workout
Back and Shoulders, Push and Pull, Flexion and Extension – that’s what you’ll be doing throughout this whole workout. This is the workout of every person dream who wants to build muscle and define them individually. Its efficient, can be quick and you don’t need much rest time. So first we start with a warm […]
Read articleBoxing for Fitness – Why It’s so great!
It’s no secret that I love combat sports, I have dedicated my whole adult life and a large part of my childhood to becoming a true mixed martial artist and becoming proficient in as many fighting disciplines as I could. For most people, their introduction to the whole martial arts world can be found in […]
Read articleHIIT and Cardio
There has been a recent popularisation of HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training as the new go-to form of cardio for you to get into. But what is HIIT? Why is it getting such acclaim? Furthermore, what’s the point of cardio at all? It’s often people’s least favourite part of a workout, can we get […]
Read articleA Personal Trainers Guide to….Gym Accessories
When people start consistently going to the gym and begin taking their health and fitness more seriously, it is not uncommon to start exploring the plethora of gym accessories available. From protein shake bottles to specialist trainers, from fancy gloves to complicated contraptions, the amount of supplementary gym goods you can buy is nearly endless […]
Read articleCompound Exercises – What’s the big deal?
You might have heard about compound exercises or movements and thought to yourself, “what’s so special about these exercises?”, “what’s the big deal?”. In this blog I’m going to explain what a compound exercise is, what the benefits of focusing on them are, and what my favourite compound exercises to build a workout around are. […]
Read articleLunchtime 30min HIIT
The Tuesday lunchtime class here at motive8 North is a 30min HIIT and core class. With more people coming back to the offices it’s a perfect way to break up your day and get your heart rate pumping! HIIT classes are great because they usually use little to no equipment and can be done anywhere. […]
Read articleSeasonal Goal Setting
How many people do you know who maybe don’t take their food and exercise as seriously over the Winter months? Then before we know it, Winter comes to an end and we start to look for our Summer bodies (they’re there, just protected under a little extra layer!). Spring is a perfect time to get […]
Read articleDescending Sets Workout
Since making some changes to our class timetable, I’ve been experimenting with different formats for my Friday lunchtime class. My aim is that I create a workout that people want to get a copy of and do in their own time – so I plan my classes with that in mind. As such, a circuit […]
Read articleMeet our New Gym Instructor Courtney
Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce our new gym instructor – Courtney aka Mr Core! He’s a passionate fitness instructor who is also qualified in Sports Massage Therapy. Courtney is looking forward to being a motive8 family member and is fully dedicated in improving client’s health and fitness. What was the attraction of […]
Read articleCan fitness apps be as effective as a personal trainer?
A recent BBC article posed the question “can fitness apps be as effective as a personal trainer?” In this article there was a discussion on the use of new fitness apps over face-to-face 1-to-1 personal training with a human instructor. Now of course I believe that personal trainers are more effective than existing fitness apps, […]
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