Posts in “Exercise”

Building Muscle | Exercise | Squat | Uncategorized

Tweaking Your Squat – Squat Variations

Having some form of squat in your training session is probably the one of most important movement to include. The squat is a compound movement which means it requires multiple joints to fire at once. Squatting with any type of free weight (barbell/dumbbell/kettlebell) activates your trunk muscles, so can be really effective at strength and […]

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Exercise | Fitness

Using Maximal Aerobic Speed To Improve Your Fitness

Most people have heard of working to their ‘One repetition maximum’ or ‘1RM’ which is working at 100% effort, i.e lifting the heaviest weight you can for 1 rep. This is a method of testing usually associated with strength and power training. What is less well known is that during aerobic training it is possible to train […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Running

LSD, SS and Fartlek – Understanding Running Terminology

Whether you’re new to running or not, sometimes running plans and websites use running terminology or acronyms which are simply baffling. I also think that sometimes as Personal Trainers, we forget that not every knows what we mean by “tempo run”. So here’s a list of some of the running terms that we here at […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training

Upper Body Workout

If you’re looking for a great upper body workout then look no further. Whether you’re  giving your legs a rest due to injury or a heavy run or workout, or you simply like to focus on your upper body this upper body workout will get you in great shape. Complete each circuit with good form, perfect reps and […]

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Exercise | Uncategorized

Motivation: Why Am I Struggling to Train?

    For many people it’s often a great struggle to find motivation to train and this can often lead to frustration and failure to achieve fitness goals. The motivation to train is a vicious circle inorder to get results you need to be motivated to exercise BUT without results motivation can soon be lost. I […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | News

Beating the Middle Age Spread

Picture : Firstly, when the hell did I become “Middle Aged”?!? I’m 40 but I don’t feel middle aged, surely middle age is more around the 50 mark as we live longer these days, but then I guess that regardless of how old we are, what does middle age feel like? Anyway, once I […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Squat | Training

Hello Legs Workout

Picture: It’s no secret that my favourite muscle groups to work are legs and shoulders. Knowing that everyone will have a renewed fondness for the gym in the next few weeks, I focused on those two areas first and then threw in some core exercises for good measure (and for a bit of “active rest”) when […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle

What’s Stopping You From Exercising?

Barriers to Exercise There are many determinants to exercise, stereotypically January is the one month that we don’t struggle to exercise. Most people are feeling sluggish and guilty about their Christmas overindulgences. Often, in other months, excuses are made and exercise is pushed to the back burner. To stay motivated, it’s important to figure out what’s […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle | Massage | Recovery | Training

This Is How I Roll – Foam Rolling Techniques

If you’ve ever read any of my blogs, you will know that I believe EVERYONE who does any kind of fitness should do two things : Yoga and Foam Roll. For those of you who already use a foam roller of any sort, I would ask the question “when do you use it”? If you […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | High protein | Nutrition | Recipes

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

It’s the New Year, that time of year where everyone you speak to is on a health-kick. We thought we would help you stick to your healthy eating regime with a round up of some of our best healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast is that meal of the day, where it’s easy to get stuck in a […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Training

A Fool Proof Way of Achieveing Your Resolutions

It’s the New Year, a time where many of us will make New year Resolutions. I’ll be honest, I don’t really make resolutions, I’m a reflective kinda girl the whole way through the year, so I’m always setting goals, reflecting on what I’ve done well, what I could do better, am I pushing myself enough, […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

15 Minute HIIT Workout

Sometimes there is just not enough hours, minutes or even seconds in the day to get everything done! Often when demands are placed on us, getting that workout in can get pushed to the bottom of the pile. But, if you prioritise your workouts, we are sure you can find 15 minutes to squeeze in […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Training

The 10 Minute Rule….The Secret To Your Success

I LOVE the 10 minute rule, it’s something I use with my personal training clients, something I use myself on those days even I don’t want to have a workout. To be honest, the 10 minute rule can be used in all aspects of live….not just exercise, it’s perfect to use for those tasks you really don’t […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Training

HoHoHo Christmas Workout

  Last week some of my personal training clients and gym members had a good snigger at my expense because the muscle soreness I was experiencing made it very difficult to move. I’ve already exacted my revenge on some of those people – simply by putting them through the same workout. It’s only fair therefore, […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Classes | Diet | Events | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Low Fat | Nutrition | Personal Training | Psychology | Stress | Training | Weight Loss

Don’t Let Christmas Ruin Your Fitness Mojo

It happens every year. People start to cancel personal training sessions and classes due to Christmas dos, we hear people saying “ahhhh but it’s Christmas” or “I’ll start again in the New Year” or “it won’t make a difference now because it’s Christmas”……It’s nothing new, and without doubt is THE most irritating thing about December! Here’s […]

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