Posts in “Exercise”

Building Muscle | Exercise | Injury | Psychology | Uncategorized

Men, Muscles, and Masculinity

Over the next three weeks I am going to introduce some of my findings coming out of my PhD. These relate to how the muscularity plays a pivotal role in our identities, and may benefit (or hinder us) in managing the impressions we both have of ourselves and project to others. These blogs will include, […]

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Building Muscle | Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Training

Why Do YOU Exercise?

I recently did a presentation about the effects of exercise on the body. The main purpose was to describe the physical effects i.e. your heart beating faster and therefore getting stronger, the effects of exercise on your bones and muscles and so on. But I opened the presentation with the question “why do you exercise” […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Training

Swimming Workout

Now is the time of year where people may be starting to train for a triathlon, or perhaps you fancy adding a different element to your training by adding a weekly swim to your regime. I thought I’d share a swimming workout with you, this is an adapted version of one of my triathlon training […]

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Abdominal muscle | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Training

My Top Exercises for Training Your Abs

In my opinion having a strong and stable trunk aka core, abs, 6 pack, oblique’s or however you refer to your abdominal and spinal section of your body, is crucial. It is crucial not only for looking good and being able to plank for 10 minutes plus, but also crucial for increasing strength in an […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Running | Training

Jenny’s Duathlon Training

You may have read my blog before Christmas about being selected to represent Great Britain for my age group (F35-39) in the European Standard Distance Duathlon Soria, Spain on 30th April. Eeeeek, this means that it’s not very away…..around 9 weeks at the time of writing this! All I can say is duathlon training is […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training

Buddy Circuit Training Workout

Exercise is often more fun when you train with a friend or two. You motivate each other through the tough times, you have a giggle, you both curse when it’s time to do burpees, and when the nights are dark and it’s raining you encourage each other to get out there and DO IT! So, […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Recovery | Training | Uncategorized

Finish Your Workout Right! How To Cool Down Correctly

My previous blog was about preparing your body for training and how important it is to warm up correctly. Throughout the blog I mentioned how a warm-up gets pushed to the side and people don’t understand the advantages. If a warm-up gets ‘pushed to the side’, then an adequate cool down after training gets pushed […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Training

The 10 in 10 Workout

I have to admit, this is my current favourite HIIT Session – and it came about completely by chance. Most of you will know that I teach group exercise classes for motive8. As organised as I am, I plan every session. But on this one occasion my plan was in my cd case which I’d […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Massage | Personal Training | Training

How To Warm Up Correctly

Preparing our body for any type of physical activity could be argued for being the most important part of your training session. Unfortunately, warming up is commonly brushed to a side and replaced with immediate intense exercise, whether it be a set of heavy squats or interval training session. Completing a warm-up does not have to take […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Recovery | Training

Top Chest Training Tips

Incline vs decline. Barbell or dumbbells. Mass or strength. How much rest? These are just some examples of the conversations we’ve been having in the gym this week. The truth is that there is no one way to train your chest! Plus everyone trains differently as everyone has different training goals. But to help out, here […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training

Outdoor Sprint HIIT Workout

I LOVE this outdoor sprint HIIT workout, it’s a short but intense workout….perfect if you don’t have a lot of time but still want to get a high intense workout in. This HIIT workout is great for Fat burning Developing your speed Developing your stamina and fitness All you need is a football or rugby […]

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Exercise | Injury | Recovery | Training

Why Do My Feet Hurt?

Picture: Is your New Year kick rubbing off in a less than positive way? Are those extra steps you’re taking due to your new wearable technology, or those extra kilometres you’re running training for a freshly entered race, begging the question ‘why do my feet ache ?’ To be fair, it’s not a surprise when […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Training

A Day In The Life Of A Personal Trainer – 6 Months After Graduating

Instead of something directly related to exercise, nutrition and health, I am going to write about what my typical week consists of 6 months after graduating from university. Obviously you will get an idea of my training and nutrition as we go through too, which as a personal trainer is obviously something I care about, […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Training

Body Weight Home Workout

The weather is miserable, you don’t want to get outside for a run or venture off the couch for a workout. Well never fear, here is a great body weight home workout which you can do in the comfort of your own home! Before you begin, remember to turn the central heating off for a […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training

Top Tips For Somebody New To Training

  The idea of getting fit for many can be very confusing and daunting and can often result in people having the ‘I’ll start next month’ approach but it doesn’t have to be a difficult and traumatic experience so here are some Top Tips For Somebody New To Training and how to make the transition to […]

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