Posts in “Exercise”

Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | News | Training

Get Your Heart Pumping More!

This week the Telegraph reported that the British Heart Foundation’s latest research illustrated that in some parts of the country, nearly half of adults are not meeting the official exercise guidelines recommended by the Government. These guidelines simply recommend that each adult undertakes AT LEAST 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a week. That’s […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

Tricep Workout

This week the lovely Kate posted a blog about how to get rid of your bingo wings, explaining that it’s not just exercise which influences how toned your arms are but other things like hormones, nutrition, stress, sleep. So, I thought I’d put a tricep workout together for you. Now, before we go any further, […]

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Building Muscle | Diet | Exercise | Fitness | High protein | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Sleep | Stress | Training

Ladies – Get Rid Of Those Bingo Wings!

Honestly if you Google “how to get rid of bingo wings”, it just lists all kinds of weird and wonderful arm “toning” workouts which range from 5 all important exercises to 20 minute blasts, 30 day challenges and surgery! None of the sites which come up explain why we have this excess fat on our triceps […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Squat

Olympic Lifting Variations

Before we look at the Olympic lifting variations, I thought I’d give you a brief history of Olympic lifting. Olympic weightlifting has been included in the Olympics since the first Modern Olympics in 1896 and is now a permanent feature in the games since. When we talk about Weightlifting as a sport we are referring […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

No Kit, No Problem! Equipment Free Workout

I’ve recently started teaching a body weight conditioning class at one of our corporate sites. It’s a 30 minute blast of a class so I try to ensure that we target as much of the body as possible with the bare minimum kit i.e. if they’re lucky, I take mats! I obviously factor in a […]

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Exercise | Fitness | High protein | Training

Exercise for Older Adults

  Last Friday I had a consultation with a 91-year-old women about starting personal training, yes you read that right…91 years old! So maybe before you think about using the excuse of being too old, or it not be safe to exercise you should consider this woman. This got me to think about the challenges […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | Training

Getting To Know Louis

We’d like to say welcome to our new(ish) Personal Trainer, Louis, to motive8 North. Having survived his first two months, and making a huge impact in his personal training sessions and classes, we thought we’d invite you to find out more about him, what makes him tick, what he likes to do in the gym, which […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Injury | Personal Training | Training | Uncategorized

Bulletproof Shoulder Workout

My role as a Sports Therapist commonly exposes me to shoulder problems. Recently I have seen a huge increase in the amount of individuals complaining of shoulder pain with symptoms that suggest secondary impingment. These are often influenced by postural deficiencies (forward slumped posture of the shoulders) or muscle imbalances (overactive anterior chain muscles, and […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Psychology | Training

Beyond the Muscles – Weight Training and Identity Control

  This weeks article is another installment of my PhD studies. The previous articles have higlighted my findings that associate muscularity with the enhance ment of masculinity and the empowerment of an independent feminine identity. What follows are the ongoing findings of my final study which broadens the scope of muscularity and it’s benefits on controlling […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

Total Warrior Workout

Following on from Alex’s Total Warrior Training Tips blog, we thought we would give you a Total Warrior Workout. Obstacle runs such as the Total Warrior can seem quite daunting, a distance of anywhere from 5k to 12 miles, depending on which event you do can seem quite far to some, but most of this […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Personal Training | Running | Training

Total Warrior Training Tips

25th of June, a date to put in the diary and not just because it is my 23rd birthday – Asics, Steak and Super-dry (my preferences for trainers, food and clothing (hoodies)) … The date is also semi-important because it’s the date for Total Warrior, a 12km obstacle course race which the motive8 team and […]

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Building Muscle | Diet | Exercise | High protein | Low Fat | Quick meals | Recovery | Uncategorized | Vegetarian | Weight Loss

Amazing Avocado Breakfast Recipe

I am not ashamed to admit I have well and truly jump on the avocado band-wagon, I have been eating a lot recently and I am far from getting sick of it. One of the best accompanies for avocado is egg, here is one of my favourite recipes involving the two – so get feasting […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Lifestyle | Psychology | Training | Uncategorized

Muscularity And The Empowered Woman

Following last weeks blog, this week covers more PhD findings and highlights the beneficial influence muscularity and strength has on some of the females included in my studies. So, this week I’m looking at muscularity in females. More and more women have been engaging in weight lifting activities. There is often a stigma around women and […]

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Events | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | News | Training | Weight Loss

How Many Calories Do You Burn?

Are Activity Trackers Worth It? In today’s world using a ‘FitBit’ or fitness tracker to measure your steps and gain an idea about how many calories (kcal) you are burning during day-to-day activities is the easiest option. I have a couple of problems with this, firstly not everybody is in a position to be able […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Weight Loss

The Perfect Power Workout

Personally, the best thing about a power training session is that it is different from your normal training session. It’s a good opportunity to get funky with exercise selection and play around with new pieces of equipment. Power is a combination of strength (force) and speed (velocity) (Reid & Schneiker, 2008). Power can be broken […]

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