Posts in “Exercise”
Preventing and Rehabing Injury Workout
The biggest frustration with any type of exercise or performance is injury. As a personal trainer there is nothing worse than when your client picks up an injury. Injury occurs when the load applied to a tissue exceeds its failure tolerance (Bartlett, 1999). When we talk about injury we can categorise them into 2: Chronic […]
Read articleRace For Fitness Training Advice!
Summer is coming and things are hotting up already here at motive8. As you may be aware we have started our Race For Fitness campaign, with eight teams competing and only one will win! There is a great buzz in and around the studio, everyone is getting mega competitive with their fitness testing. So here is my training advice […]
Read articleHow Your Body Type Influences Your Results
Wouldn’t it be simple if the results gained from your workout were as simple as EFFORT IN = OUTPUT/GOAL ACHIEVED. But unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Yes, we must put effort in to achieve our goals, however, did you know that your body type can have some influence on how successful you are in achieving […]
Read articleSummer Fat Burning Workout
I love a good circuit training session, I don’t think there is a better fat burning workout around and you get more ‘bang for your buck’ too: Fat burning Calorie guzzling Improved muscle tone Increased fitness levels So whilst I’ve called this a fat burning workout, you’re also going to reap all of the above […]
Read articleThe Deadlift – Everything You Need To Know
In my humble opinion the Deadlift and ‘hinge’ movement pattern is the most effective exercise that can be performed. It is a compound movement that requires strength, stability and mobility and numerous different joints of the body. It is a fatiguing exercise that activates large muscle groups all at one time – the posterior chain […]
Read articleDuathlon D-Day…..Race Report!
Sunday 30th April was ‘THE DAY’, the day I’d been training for since finding out last November that I had qualified for the European Triathlon Union, Standard Distance Duathlon Championships in Soria, representing Great Britain for my age group (35-39 years). I must have bored everyone to tears about this race and my prep for it, […]
Read articleAnytime Anywhere HIIT Workout
It’s no secret that my current favourite type of exercise is HIIT. If you read my “secret life” blog, you’ll know that I find cardio in any other form a slog, so short interval bursts are perfect – especially if you separate them with some resistance and core exercises too! I feel I went one […]
Read article45 minutes In The Gym!
What would be my favourite ‘go-to’ strength session…So you have 45 minutes, an empty gym (heaven I know…), music blasting, tones of motivation but no programme to follow – what do you do? If you are ever in this position or you have ever been in this position hopefully this blog about what I would do […]
Read articleHybrid Shoulder and Core Workout
Because of my background in strength and conditioning and sport science, I am usually against ‘body-builder’ type workouts. I always recommend to my clients to train their whole body every workout. Firstly, it is much more functional and relateable to everyday life (when would you ever just use your biceps and triceps?). Secondly, it allows […]
Read articleShoes or No Shoes? Is Barefoot Running Better?
What are your training shoes like? High support? Low support? Do you run barefoot? For decades an argument over whether barefoot running is better for us than shod running has been lingering. The answer is still unclear and in my opinion it depends upon what factors you are looking at. The following article will provide a […]
Read articleJulie’s Do It In 12 Story – 1 Week To Go!
Our Do It In 12 personal training programme has had some amazing results, and I am delighted to say my first Do It In 12 client has only enhanced the programme’s success stories. When Julie first came to the gym she was noticeably uneasy and it was clear to see that she had never stepped […]
Read articleGet Ready For The Burn! Kettlebell and Barbell Workout
Hi guys, it’s Louis and here’s your weekly dose of Workout Wednesday! For those of you who know me, I like to get the most out of my workouts when I’m taking a class. But this also goes for me when I’m training myself as I’d rather get the work done as quick as possible […]
Read articleTops Tips To Achieving Your Goals
As a personal trainer, it is essential that we educate our clients so they are empowered to make their own nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices in order to achieve their goals. For me, the biggest compliment I could receive, as a personal trainer, is that a client feels confident enough to stop training with me and ‘do […]
Read articleSmash Your Food Prep, Smash Your Goals!
I know, I know, you’ve heard it before….but preparation is key if you want to see results! Personally, I sit down each Sunday and plan when I’m going to fit in my training sessions. I also enjoy sitting down with my recipe books, and planning my week’s food over a healthy breakfast. Here are some top tips […]
Read articleKiller Circuit Workout
This week I’ve covered a couple of our circuit training classes, which I love teaching! I think I’ve put the guys through their paces in their classes, so I thought I’d share my killer circuit workout with you for you to try. You can either do this by yourself or grab a group of friends […]
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