Posts in “Exercise”

Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Training

Old School Kettlebell Circuit

I save all my personal training client programmes and all my class plans. Sometimes it’s good to look back over previous programmes and workouts. Not only does it help you realise the progression in your client’s training, it can also remind you of some great exercises that you now overlook and quite frankly, sometimes it’s good […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Psychology

Changing Your Training Environment – 4 Key Factors

Everyone likes to train in different ways, in different environments. I don’t pretend to be any sort of psychologist, but it does really interest me how motivation and therefore training adaptation can be altered so much by the environment that we train in. So I thought I’d write a blog about how changing your training […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Squat | Training

Alex’s Holiday Training Sessions

The big question I am sure you are dying to know, does a personal trainer still training, even when they are on holiday? Sorry to disappoint but, I certainly do. Here are my three workouts I did whilst I was away last week, my key holiday training sessions. Having skin like mine means I cannot spend […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Massage | Personal Training | Recovery | Training | Uncategorized

5 Gym Bag Essentials I Just Wouldn’t Train Without

Back with another modest but unbelievably epic blog covering my gym bag essentials. For me, these five items must be in my bag as I head to the gym as they help mobilize, motivate and prepare me for exercise. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not reliant on these tools however without them I know I […]

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Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Squat | Training | Uncategorized

3 Short, Sharp Fitness Blasts

Summer is upon us and like myself, most people are loving the idea of taking advantage of the longer days, warmer weather and feeling fitter, stronger and generally more awesome! With this beautiful weather were experiencing you might want to keep you gym sessions short, sharp and to the point so here are a few […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Personal Training | Training | Weight Loss

Cait’s Do It In 12 Story – 1 Week to Go!

This picture is Cait on week 1 and week 9 of our Do It In 12 programme – a 12 week bespoke personal training programme focusing on two personal training sessions per week, in addition to nutritional and lifestyle support to help you smash your goals. You can already see that the changes have been phenomenal. […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

HIIT and Core Workout

It’s that time of year, the sun is out, the beach is looming we all want a six pack, to feel svelte and confident in our bikinis and look strong and lean in our shorts. Often, at this time of year, our personal training clients and gym members may want to spend more time focusing […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training | Uncategorized

5 Phenomenal Ways To Improve Your Burpees

As most of you know I’m currently facing the task of doing a fair few (250+) burpees for charity so thought I’d share a few things I had learnt to help you improve your burpees. But firstly a few givens! • I love a good ol’ Burpee • Burpees are hard work • Burpees are […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Squat | Training

Don’t Skip Leg Day!

Everyone who has trained with me in one way or another knows that I think squats are the king of exercises! If I’m honest though, I love lunges too – in any variety…that said, I also love deadlifts, glute bridges, calf raises – in fact…I love most lower body exercises! So many favourites and so […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Nutrition | Personal Training | Training | Weight Loss

How Many Calories Should I Be Eating?

To lose, gain or maintain weight it is important to know how many calories you should be consuming. So this blog, how many calories should I be eating, looks at just that but we’re going to try to keep things simple. For weight loss you should be expending more energy (energy expenditure) than calories you […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training | Training

No Equipment Holiday Workouts!

No Equipment? No Excuses! Some of you might have a holiday looming this summer. While most will treat it as a nice break and a chance to put your feet up, I know a few people who will be wanting a quick workout they can do anywhere to get the heart rate up and keep themselves […]

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Diet | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Nutrition | Personal Training

How Do You Manage Unplanned Weight Gain?

It’s an honest question? If your goal is to maintain your weight or to lose weight, how do you manage unplanned weight gain? I only ask because as personal trainers we see this happen, we’re asked questions about it and our clients deal with it in very different ways. And trust me – we’ve all been there […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Mindset | Sleep | Training

Just How Important Is Your Sleep?

When it comes to health, there are a couple of factors that are always mentioned: exercise, nutrition and psychology – and rightly so, these are probably a few of the most important part of having a healthy lifestyle. But there is one factor that often gets forgotten about, and it’s ironic because it is something […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Training

Deck of Cards Workout!

Hi Guys, it’s Louis here with your weekly dose of the Wednesday Workout. For those of you who come to my classes you’ll know I like to keep things interesting and fresh and last week the dreaded deck of cards came out so this week I thought I’d share a deck of cards workout or […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Training

Workout For Your Brain

Did you know that exercise affects the brain in multiple ways? So, for example, when your heart rate increases, it pumps more oxygen to the brain, helping to maintain a healthy brain! But here’s the interesting part…apparently, different types of exercise will affect your memory, your concentration, and your cognitive functions. With our Quiz Night for […]

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