Posts in “Exercise”
Obesity – Where Bigger Is Not Better!
Here’s a scary fact for you that was published in the Guardian in November last year: 26.9% of the UK are OBESE. To give you an idea of what this statistic means, the NHS website states that 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 children (aged 10-11) are obese. It’s not surprising then that as […]
Read article10 Reasons To Have A Personal Trainer
New year, new me, same story. Have you once again made a resolution to get fitter, leaner or stronger this year? At this point have you actually changed anything to meet this goal? Or are you currently just doing the same thing you tried last year? It worked for a month right? Maybe its time […]
Read articleThe 3 Minute Workout – What’s Your Excuse?
As personal trainers we hear the excuse of “it’s hard to find time” a lot. To be honest, I use that excuse myself too! That’s why interval training protocols like Tabata are great – it’s only 4 minutes work. But what if I said I’ve come up with a 3 minute workout? What would be […]
Read articleThe Motive8 Teams’ New Year Resolutions – Or Not?!
We have nearly made it through the first week of 2018 and so far, so good (apart from dropping both of my phones down the toilet!). New Year resolutions are something that get a bad rap off most people, and that is mostly because no one ever sticks to them. Which makes no sense, why […]
Read articleTop Tips On Sticking To New Year Resolutions
New year’s resolutions! Most make them. Most break them! Now be honest. How many of you swore come January second you were to become a 5-a-day vegetable eating, non-smoking, meat-once-weekly eating, 2 litre water drinking, 7-days-a-week gym bunny? On top of all the others that were added to the list; reply to emails daily, less […]
Read articleEmily’s Leg Workout
I’ve been pretty active over the years but I was never really sure what to do in the gym….did I train all body parts in one day? Should I split my training into an upper body workout and a leg workout? When should I do cardio, same day as weights? Different days? My training mostly […]
Read articleWhat are the Fitness Trends for 2018?
Do any of your new years resolutions include fitness related goals? Are you looking for inspiration for something new and exciting to start in 2018? Then look no further! I have done the hard work for you (other than actually doing the exercise that is). I have searched the web to come up with a […]
Read articleExercising When Pregnant – My Experience
A few people have suggested I write this blog, sharing my experience of exercising when pregnant. As I write this, I’m currently around 22 weeks pregnant, well into my second trimester. So I’m going to split this blog into two parts otherwise we’ll be here all day – so part one will be about my […]
Read articleAlex’s Yoga and Dancing ‘Journey’
In October I moved to Leeds, along with this I thought it would be great to start to new activities that could potentially grow into hobbies. I decided to pick one activity that challenges me and to be completely honest, scared the hell out of me. The other one I thought could be used to […]
Read articleFat Burning Circuit
Last week I posted an outdoor HIIT workout which is a great little workout especially if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. This week’s workout is also great if you short on time as you can complete the circuit as many, or as little number of times you can in the […]
Read articleOutdoor HIIT Session
Christmas often means there are times our routines are disrupted, meaning you might not be able to make the gym as often as normal, BUT this doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your workouts completely. I’m also aware that sometimes, you don’t have as much time as normal to fit in a workout so […]
Read article12 Days of Christmas Workout
I got the inspiration for this 12 Days of Christmas Workout from my husband’s Advent Calendar. I got him a “Protein Chocolate” calendar from one of the health food shops in town…that way he can have a high protein treat without breaking any diet rules! What I hadn’t realised was that the calendar actually has […]
Read articleJenny’s Top Workout Tunes
I never used to listen to music when I trained until I started using a turbo trainer (static bike training system) last year – these sessions are so tough that I need some good tunes blasting in my ears to distract me from the pouring sweat and burning in my thighs! As the Winter weather […]
Read articleUpper Body Muscle Building Workout
There is absolutely nothing wrong with smashing a good upper body muscle building workout. We know the ‘don’t skip leg day joke’ but there are lots of reasons for doing an upper body focused training session. Reasons For… – It could simply be part of an upper and lower body split programme. – 50% of […]
Read articleInterview with Ian Fisher, Yorkshire CCC Lead Strength & Conditioning Coach
Something a bit different for my blog. This week I had a chance to sit down with Ian Fisher, Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach at Yorkshire County Cricket Club. I asked him a couple question, mostly exercise, fitness and health related – but also some fun ones in there as well. From a personal training […]
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