Posts in “Exercise”

Exercise | homepage | Personal Training | Training

Has Alex’s Training Experiment Worked?

Its Monday 26th and today was 40th consecutive day of training. During my Training Experiment, I had a target of doing some form of exercise over Lent and I have 5 days left. If I am completely honest it’s not been that difficult to maintain. Training every day, like many factors in exercise and health, has […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Personal Training

motive8 Member of the Month – March!

Drum roll please……..March Member of the Month goes to……Nicole Booth! Nicole is a regular gym member at motive8 and also has a monthly personal training session to keep her focused through a new programme and has a full body composition assessment to make sure she is on track to achieving her goals. We love her […]

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Exercise | homepage | Training

Quick Kettlebell Blast

If you’re looking for a quick burst of exercise, then this is it. Something that will get the heart rate up with minimum kit in minimum time. Because it’s so short, I’m not even sure we can call it a “workout” – but one thing is for sure, it’s effective. This kettlebell blast can be added into […]

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Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | High protein | Training

Long Term Athletic Development

Something a little different from me this week… With Jenny a month or so away from giving birth to our first Motive8 North baby. I thought it a good opportunity to talk about athletic development and training for children, young people and teenagers. But what will I cover…? – Difference between youth and adults – […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Injury | Recovery | Rehabilitation | Training

The Make-Up of Exercise Rehabilitation

Ieuan’s Insight Into Exercise Rehabilitation   Injury is something most of us experience at some time in our daily training/sporting lives. How we fix it is often put in the hands of someone else; a sports therapist, like myself, a physio, a doctors, a rehabilitator. We can fall into the trap of being a little […]

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Anabolism | Building Muscle | Classes | Exercise | Fitness | Squat | Training | Weight Loss

Body Weight Pyramid Workout

So hopefully that is all the snow done for this winter and we can start taking our workouts outside. I’ve just tested this Body Weight Pyramid Workout outside in the glorious sun and it was delightful! Best of all it’s a body weight session so no equipment required. You’ll add exercises each set to build […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Diet | Exercise | homepage | Personal Training | Training

Are You Training For Your Body Type Part 1 – Endormorph

  Ever had one of those weeks? You know, where you start to self-sabotage, go back to old habits, let life get in the way, can’t explain why and get in a general funk? Well that was me this week, and I had to find a way to snap out of it before it undid […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Recovery | Squat | Training

Keep Your Body Ticking Over – Prehab & Recovery Gym Session

As most of you will know I am trying to go through Lent without having a ‘rest day’ – so some sort of training session every day. It’s going well, I have done about three weeks so far without missing a training session and by my maths I have about two and a bit weeks […]

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Exercise | homepage | Injury | Recovery | Rehabilitation | Training

Concussion – What Is It and Should I Train?

Having been severely concussed several times myself and observed/treated many many clients with concussion I felt it necessary to spread a little knowledge about this invisible threat. I had one client message me recently asking whether they should attend their session; “I got concussed in the game Saturday, should I still train tonight?”. Although a […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Injury | Recovery | Rehabilitation | Training

Harden Those Hamstrings! Stay Injury Free!

Ieuan’s Hamstring Protection Workout! I am currently treating several people with hamstring complaints and when observing their daily workout regimes I am noticing a common gap and deficiency in how they are loading these problematic hamstring muscles. So this week’s workout installment offers a workout that will help make those hamstrings bomb-proof and give you […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Diet | Exercise | homepage | Lifestyle

My Do It In 12 Journey – Measurement Week!

  The last 3 weeks of doing our Do It In 12 Personal Training programme have seen frustration at myself for not getting enough workouts in; an obsession with calories and carbohydrates that became totally ridiculous; and a mild panic when it started approaching measurement time. I AM human after all! I’m definitely feeling pressure to […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Mindset | Motivation | Psychology | Training

What Is Burnout? And Why Do We Get It?

  It is usually around this time of year that people start giving up on the gym, one reason for this we call ‘burnout’. Some people may just have a lack of motivation or not sufficient drive to reach their goals, whereas burnout can be caused due to several different factors. So how do you […]

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Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Training

Kettlebell Workout Combos!

I’m not sure if it’s common knowledge, but I LOVE kettlebells! They are such a versatile piece of kit and perfect for a quick workout. And recently, that is exactly what I have been using them for. This kettlebell workout assumes some prior use of kettlebells; as elements such as a kettlebell swing are used […]

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A Day In The Life of a PT | Exercise | Fitness | homepage | Lifestyle | Personal Training

4 Top Tips On Goal Setting and Sticking To New Goals

We write a lot about goals. As personal trainers, we help our clients to realise and hit their goals; it’s integral to our role. As a client, you find the ownership, determination, will power, enthusiasm and perseverance to achieve those goals. This week, through our Do It In 12 programme, I experienced a different perspective on […]

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Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle | Mindset | Motivation | Personal Training | Training

Beyond The Gym…..The Other Benefits of Exercise

We all know exercise can help you lose fat, get fitter, tone up, help you become stronger, etc. But is that it? Absolutely not, doing any exercise, sport and physical activity goes far beyond the gym, getting fitter and losing weight. A lot of the below will be abit ‘left field thinking’ or ‘thinking slightly […]

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