Posts in “Exercise”
Bodybuilding, Masculinity and Steroids
In this blog I share my top books that I have read over the past few months. You may be wondering what this has to do with the gym! But as you will see, the books I suggest have gym-related themes and have been hugely beneficial in helping me with my PHD. On top of […]
Read article5 Minute AMRAP
Have you ever had one of those days where you just fancy an AMRAP? No? Just me then! An AMRAP is “As Many Rounds As Possible”, and is usually performed for time. It’s a chance to really push yourself, and the best thing is that it’s repeatable – so you can do it again another […]
Read articleSport-Specific Training; How to Design Your Programme
Sport-Specific Training; How to Design Your Programme! The following article will provide an overview of some principles of how to design your training and implement your own sports-specific programme. Designing an effective programme will help you boost your sport-related fitness and performance. There are whole catalogue of exercises, protocols, and approaches to sport-specific training. What […]
Read articleGetting Great Glutes!
Ieuan’s Backside-Boosting Workout I feel there are several motivations for getting great glutes in modern society. For me, the gluteals are the anchor for a stable body. They provide us with the support and stability to maintain a netural, strong, spine and core. For others, the aesthetic appeal for a firm and perfectly rounded bottom […]
Read article3 Tips For Maximising Your Results In Minimum Time
Let’s be honest, we’ve all been insanely busy at least once in our lives. Maybe you’ve been given some extra responsibility at work or perhaps your home life needs more of your time. Instead of letting all your hard-earned fitness go to waste, what you need is a simple way of how to maximise your […]
Read articleThe Perfect Leg Workout
They’re often a neglected body part, mainly because training them is hard and sweaty work. But if you’re after a great looking, strong and athletic body, then leg training should be a weekly staple. To help you with that, here’s one of my personal favourite leg workouts, and it’s ridiculously effective for building strength and […]
Read articleSimple Sun Salutation
The 3 day yoga blog extravaganza continues. First “What is yoga“, followed by “Buddha Balls” and now “how to perform a simple sun salutation”. I mentioned in the “What is yoga” blog that you can learn a sequence so that you can practise yoga where ever you go; sun salutations are just that. There are […]
Read articleWhat Is Yoga?
Did I tell you I do yoga (lol)? For those of you who attend the studio regularly you’ll know that it is “my thing”. That and of course now my new love, the van (another story)! I am currently training to be a yoga teacher and will graduate in June next year but I am […]
Read articleMeet Motive8’s New Personal Trainer – Alex!
We’re excited to introduce you to the newest addition to the Motive8 team: Alex Parry. He’s just set our Monthly Challenge for August and if you haven’t already, you’ll be sure to meet him in the gym and classes. As he’s only just started as one of our Personal Trainers, we’re keen to learn a […]
Read articleTwo Fat Burning Circuits
I do love a good circuit. Whether it’s to teach in a class, to go through with a client, or to do in my own time; there’s something to be said about the quick fat burning blast you can get from this style of training. The possibilities are endless: limited rest between exercises, a mixture […]
Read articlemotive8 Member of The Month August – Abi Bolton
Drum roll please…….our member of the month for July goes to Emily’s personal training client, Abigail Bolton. We asked PT Emily why she had nominated Abi, and here’s what she said….. Abi came to me wanting to lose weight for her wedding. We started in January and had until September. After starting with me, Abi had a […]
Read articleHigh Intensity Abs Workout
The unusually long UK heatwave sees no signs of abating yet (I’m not complaining). But this does mean restless nights leave people tired. There is an overall sense of lethargy and it can be just too hot to train. Let’s not use the weather as excuse not to get a workout done (too typically British). […]
Read article30 Minutes To Building Bigger Arms
Building bigger arms is one of the most common goals among male gym goers, alongside broader shoulders. Most people slog through hours upon hours of endless curls and tricep extensions only to be met by diminishing returns due to over-training or not taking the right approach with their training. Building bigger arms doesn’t have to […]
Read article5 Minute Body Weight HIIT
Anyone who has read any of my previous workout blogs, will know by now that I like a quick short blast of good hard work! This week’s workout is exactly that. 5 whole minutes. But it’s a 5 minute body weight HIIT that gets everything working. It’s ideal for when you’re short of time; want […]
Read articleTop Tips to Prepping for your First Competition
Top Tips to Prepping for your First Competition I have recently decided to enter my first body building competition. With only 16 weeks to prepare, I have to ensure I am using my time efficiently. I’m currently 3 weeks in and seeing significant changes already. This blog will discuss the top tips I’ve used to […]
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