Suns Out Guns Out! Bicep Workout

Building Muscle | Exercise | Fitness | Training

Posted on May 13, 2015 by Kate Halsall

The winter is finally over. The sun keeps peeking through those clouds and we’re seeing short sleeves and vest tops sneaking in an appearance. If you’re going to join the Suns Out, Guns Out group and want to flex those muscles, training your biceps is a must, so enjoy this Bicep Workout from Personal Trainer, Kate Halsall. But be warned – not all bicep curls are created equal!

We wouldn’t want you to train just your biceps, so here are two key dumbbell exercises which you can incorporate into your existing training. This will also target BOTH heads of your biceps so that they look good from the front and the side! To keep all things equal, it is essential that you train the triceps too, so we have suggested putting your bicep exercises into supersets with a tricep exercise. However, if you want to train your triceps and biceps on different days you can just choose to the bicep exercises.

1a. Incline Dumbbell Curl (This targets the long head of the bicep)

8-12 Reps, 3 sets
Set the bench to around 30 degrees. My preference is to start in a Hammer Curl position (fists facing in) and supinate – or turn the palm of your hands upwards as you curl.

1b. Tricep Overhead Extension 

8-12 Reps, 3 sets
Stand tall, hold a dumbbell behind the head in both hands. Keeping the upper arms close to the head, press the dumbbell above the head until the arms are fully extended.

2a. Preacher Curl (This targets the short head of the bicep)

8-12 Reps, 3 sets
Set a bench at such an angle that it comes as high as your chest. You want to be able to place the triceps on the bench. Keep that upper arm against the bench as you curl.

2b. Tricep Rope Push Downs

8-12 Reps, 3 sets
Stand facing a cable machine, over hand grip of the rope. Keep the upper arms still, press the rope downwards and to the sides of the thighs until the arms are fully extended.

3a. Zottman Curls (these incorporate hammer curl, supinated and pronated grip)

8-12 Reps, 3 sets

Start with palms of the hand facing each other. Wrist rotates during the curl up so that you have a supinated (palms up) grip. At the top your wrist rotates to a pronated (palms facing down) grip)

3b. Close Grip Press Ups  (finish off those arms with this body weight exercise!)

8-12 Reps, 3 sets

Start in press up position but with the hands inside shoulder width apart, under your shoulders. As you lower towards the floor, keep the elbows close to the sides. Keep the upper arms close to the sides as you push back out of the press up position to fully extend the arms.

Also try these top tips for great guns!
When using a barbell for curls vary your grip
Try using a cable rope for your bicep curls

Try incorporating this bicep workout into your weekly routine 1-2 times per week for great guns!