Posted on October 28, 2014 by Jenny Cromack
Lets be honest, there isn’t many over the counter drugs/ remedies that do much to fight a cold. The easiest solution is not get one in the first place! What are the best vitamins and minerals to fight a cold? Indeed, are there even vitamins and minerals which will fight a cold?
What Is A Cold And What Causes Them?
The NHS state that “Colds are caused by viruses which attack the lining of the nose and throat, inflaming these areas. As they become inflamed, they begin to produce more mucus, resulting in a runny nose and sneezing. More than 200 types of virus can cause a cold. Those most responsible for colds belong to one of two groups, rhinoviruses and coronaviruses. Because a number of viruses can cause a cold, it’s possible to have several colds, one after the other, as each one is caused by a different virus.”
Can You Strengthen The Immune System And Reduce The Likelihood of Developing a Cold?
There are thousands of websites stating that this vitamin or this mineral will help prevent cold occurring however the research is quite mixed, here are some of the most recent peer reviewed papers and their findings:
Can Vitamin C Help? For any one interested you can find the full article here
- No evidence Vitamin C prevents colds
- Vitamin C may help prevent colds in people participating in intense exercise
- The daily ingestion of additional Vitamin C may reduce the severity and length of the cold slightly
What’s all the fuss about Zinc? The full review can be found here
- Interestingly this review did suggest Zinc may reduce the length of time a cold lasts
- Symptoms may be reduced compared to individuals taken smaller amounts of Zinc
Is Echinacea Magical? The full review can be found here
- The review found no clear conclusions, however they suggested there may be a weak/ small benefit of taking Echinacea for the prevention of colds
- Other than that the research was very mixed
Other than increase your Zinc intake during times of cold, you can help your immune system function efficiently and reduce the likelihood of developing a cold. This is best achieved through a healthy diet and daily exercise. For help achieving a healthier diet and lifestyle contact the motive8 North personal training team.