Posted on September 18, 2014 by Jenny Cromack
This 20 minute interval session is well researched and known for effective fat loss. Not only that but training in this way is useful for health related goals such as improving insulin sensitivity, building muscle, and increasing power. So if you want to shed fat that make sure you include this 20 minute fat loss interval session into your weekly schedule.
If the main goal of your training is fat loss its important to remember that a program is only as good as long as it takes you to adapt to it. The 8:12 interval session works well for beginners (4-6 weeks) or included as a short cycle of 2 weeks for advanced trainees.
Here is how you utilise the 8-12 sprint fat loss interval protocol and progress it over a 10 week fat loss interval session for a beginner.
Warm up: This should be progressive and include near maximal sprinting towards the end. Mobilise all joints using dynamic stretching, and similar movement patterns like lunges and squats.
Weeks 1-5
Workout Time: 20 mins.
- Sprint for 8 seconds (thats 8 full seconds not 6 then slowing down)
- Walk for 12 seconds
Repeat x 60.
Weeks 5-10
Workout time 20 mins
- Sprint 15 seconds
- Walk 30 seconds
Repeat x 25
How Often?
The protocol above should be completed three times per week, each session needs to be separated by at least 48 hours. Completing these intervals every day will cause severe muscle trauma and DOMS and force a reduction in intensity.
Which Bit Of Equipment?
You can use this protocol on most pieces of cardiovascular equipment, or whole body exercises. Here are my top 5 suggestions to use this protocol with:
- Sprinting
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees including a push up and tuck jump
- Spin Bike
- Rowing Machine
Good luck… enjoy the pain!