Posted on February 24, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Are you someone who struggles for time, or squeezes your usually unfinished workout into a lunch time or after work? Do you need something that is quick, simple, and will getting you strong and sweaty? Look no further, this barbell complex workout does just that. All you need is a barbell and enough space to swing a cat (and your barbell).

Barbell Complex Workout

Find a work space and set up your barbell. The exercises for this barbell complex workout should require a similar weight on the bar, this will reduce rest time changing weight plates. Perform each of the exercises for the stated amount of reps then take the stated amount of rest.

The exercises are as follows:

1.      Barbell Clean

2.      Front Squat

3.      Push Press

4.      Back Squat

5.      Push Press

The numbers of repetitions per set are given below along with the rest periods between sets. If you find that you are ready to go before the end of your rest periods do not wait around get cracking!

Set 1 Set Rest Set 2 Set Rest Set 3 Set Rest Set 4 Set Rest Set 5
6 30 seconds 8 40 seconds 10 45 seconds 8 40 seconds 6

This barbell complex workout is an ideal short and sweet one to squeeze into those busy days when you think you won’t have time for your usual workout, or if you are looking for something new, quick and easy to shock your body and shake up your training.
