Posted on February 17, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

All you need for this 20 minute workout is one pair of dumbbells, if you don’t have any dumbbells then no sweat or maybe that should be you will still sweat! I know it’s old school but fill up some old washing conditioner bottles with water or sand (the ones with handles so they are easy to hold), use tins, one of my clients has even done this with big bags of dry dog food…you just need something to help you create a little bit of resistance. If you don’t have any of these I’ve given alternatives in brackets.

AMRAP simply means as many rounds as possible so work your butts off as you move from exercise to exercise and complete the circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes. Have longer? Great, do as many rounds as you can in the time you have!

Remember to start with a thorough warm up to mobilise the joints and elevate the heart rate and then complete your workout with static stretches.

1. Lunge & Shoulder Press x 16 – Lunge from leg to leg, as you lunge press the DB’s above the head (no dumbbells = lunges only)

2. Press Ups x 12 – Either full or on your knees!

3. Jump Squats x 10 – bend the knees, lower into a squat then explode in the air. Land with knees bent and repeat.

4.Single Lunge & Bicep Curl  x 8 e/side – Stand in a lunge position. As you lunge perform a bicep curl. Repeat x 8 on each side before switching legs. (Single Lunges)

5. Bent Over Rows x 12 – Hold the DB’s at the side, lean forwards from the waist. Row upwards, squeezing the shoulder blades as you row. (Hot Hands)

6. Burpees x 10 – Jump as high as you can in the air on each one

7. Plank x 30 seconds – Ensure the hips stay neutral throughout.