100 Happy Days or Just A Miserable Moo!

A Day In The Life of a PT

Posted on June 25, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

I made a decision this weekend and that was to stop posting my 100 happy days on Facebook. For those of you who don’t know 100happydays.com take a look at their website, I’ll be honest I love the concept and I think it is a great idea for making people sit back and realise all of the good things going on in their lives and just be more positive in general. However, as I have stopped posting my 100 happy days, stats would suggest I now fall into the 71% of people who ‘don’t have the time to post’ and  ‘simply do not have the time to be happy’, but I’d like to disagree. What participating in the #100happydays showed me within the 14 days I took part was that:

a) I have a lot of good things going on in my life which make me happy

b) Do I really need to post this on Facebook every day to make me realise this? Not really, just reflecting on this on the drive/cycle home from work is enough without broadcasting it to the world.

c) On the subject of point (b) above…..does every man and his dog who follow me on facebook really give two hoots about how happy I am and why I’m happy…..probably not!

So, I disagree that I fall into the 71% of people who don’t have time to be happy, instead I feel that just taking part in this challenge made me appreciate what I have in life and those around me just in the space of 14 days. Maybe it would be more realistic for the people behind 100 happy days to do this on a shorter scale, I think 30 days would be enough for people to start realising the positive things going on in their lives without it being a chore to  take pictures (I’m not very good at taking photos on my phone), think of something witty/imaginative to write about it (I have the imagination of a gold fish!) and then post about it.

I’ve got friends who are doing 100 happy days and I’m not knocking it at all as I do think it works……it just worked in less time than 100 days for me! Happy days!  Or maybe I am a miserable moo and don’t have time to be happy…..I’d like think not!