My Lovely Personal Trainers In Leeds

A Day In The Life of a PT

Posted on April 08, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

I’ve been pondering what to write about for the last few days in my blog, you must be sick to death of hearing about me and my running, or what I’ve had for tea (baked eggs again last night….yum!)

So, I thought I’d write about my personal trainers in Leeds, for without them, motive8 North wouldn’t be what it is. I am extremely proud of the team of personal trainers in Leeds and what they achieve with their personal training clients and exercise class members. They all work extremely hard at delivering the very best to their clients and this is in turn what gets their clients results. In addition to this they all work extremely hard in supporting me and developing our business.

You can read all about their qualifications and specialisms on our Meet The Trainers page, and there are plenty of client testimonials too, but here are my thoughts on the lovely team of personal trainers at motive8 North.

Let’s start with Chris Baird (or The Baird as he is known to many of his clients). As you probably know I used to work as a self-employed personal trainer and went into business with the motive8 Group in July 2011. About 6 months before this, Chris contacted me asking if he could come and do some work experience. This is what I like, someone who is pro-active! I arranged to meet Chris and I instantly liked him, I was looking for a personal trainer to come and work for me when I opened our personal training studio at Marshall Court and after meeting him for an hour I knew there and then that I didn’t want him to do work experience, I wanted him to come and work for me! He was so passionate and had a great knowledge, I just knew he would be a great personal trainer and I was not wrong! I have seen Chris grow from strength to strength in the past 3 years I have known him. Not just from a knowledge point of view but in his approach to clients and the relationships he forges with them. He works hard to get results with his clients and in return he expects hard work back…..and this get results! Chris has also taught me a lot and helped me develop as a personal trainer. Since working for us, Chris has now progressed to our Master Trainer and is responsible for staff development with the motive8 North team and also the London motive8 Personal Training Team and he is also developing our new educational courses for personal trainers to attend.

Kate started working for us just over 2 years ago, for everyone who knows Kate you will know she is full of energy and life, I honestly don’t know where she gets it from! God knows where she gets it from with the number of classes she teaches! I remember the first time I met Kate, she covered a boxercise class for us and she was so full of energy and encouragement during the class that I knew that if there was an opportunity in future I would be contacting Kate! At the time Kate worked full time in IT, but I knew she was interested in leaving and following her heart about a full time career in the fitness industry. Therefore, once Kate had qualified as a personal trainer she came to work at motive8 North, and last year she also became our Studio Manager at Saxton. I took part in one of Kate’s classes at Saxton recently and you can tell that woman loves teaching….she was completely in her element and the class was buzzing! If you could box up Kate’s energy and sell it you would be a millionaire!

A year later came along Lucy, again another person full of energy and enthusiasm. When we interview new PT’s we always do a trade test with them where I am the guinea pig, Lucy was great to get on with and immediately struck up a good rapport with me and Chris during the trade test….exactly what we were looking for! Lucy is so keen to develop and learn as a personal trainer and nothing is ever too much for her. She covers a lot of my personal training sessions when I can’t fit them in and my clients love her, and I know her own clients love her. She makes her workouts challenging and fun, but she is firm when she needs to be and she achieves amazing success.

So there is my personal training team, it’s not a sales pitch, just a chance to talk about how they started working for us and how fab they all are! I have promised Chris though that we will employ a male PT next though as he can often feel a bit left out…..not that any of us are overly girly anyway!

Check out more about the motive8 personal trainers in Leeds here!