Posted on September 18, 2024 by Jenny Cromack

Summer is well and truly over and this is often the time that many people think about their health and fitness goals. In fact, as a personal training studio, September and October are busier months for us than January and February!

If you’re sat thinking about starting your fitness journey with a personal trainer but you’re worried about some of the myths you might have heard then we are here to set the record straight.

You need to be fit to have a personal trainer.

This could not be further from the truth. If you’re a beginner then working with a personal trainer is a good thing. A personal trainer will teach you good form and the right approach to your training and nutrition. We create workouts for YOU, with YOUR fitness levels and exercise background and YOUR medical history in mind. A good personal trainer should be able to tailor their sessions to each and every one of their clients.

We push people to their limits

Believe me we’re not in this game to be cleaning up vomit! Yes, we may challenge you and we may push you out of your comfort zone but it’s never to the extreme of making someone sick or that they can’t go back to work! We encourage and challenge but still within your abilities….sometimes we just know more than you about what you are capable of!

We’re like Sargeant Majors and shout at people

We are here to support and encourage our clients in a non-judgemental way, not shout at them! We some times might get over excited when you’re hitting a new PB but we never shout at our clients.

If you fancy finding out more about how we can help you achieve your goals, then drop us a line or call 0113 2430161