The Calorie Price Of Christmas


Posted on November 14, 2013 by Jenny Cromack

Ok, so the Festive Season is coming up and boy can we tell! The number of personal training sessions we are delivering has gone through the roof and the gym at Marshalls Court is busier than ever!! Who said dark nights and cold mornings made people not want to exercise….not at motive8, our personal training clients and members are hard core! Everyone is working hard to look great at their office parties and face Christmas feeling fit and energetic instead of feeling like an overstuffed turkey!

So, let’s see this enthusiasm continuing and I’m sure everyone will be looking fantastic  for the festive period!

Feeling like a few treats over the festive period? Now we are not being Scrooge, and we wouldn’t want anyone to not enjoy themselves in the lead up to Christmas, but have a look at how much exercise you would need to do below to burn off those extra treats…..

Chocolate Treats: Did you know one, yes just one, Celebration Chocolate has around 45 calories and 2.3 g fat. Munch your way through 6 of these (easily done if you pinch one every time you go to the water cooler) and without realising it you have eaten 270 calories and almost 14g fat! If you’re one of our personal training clients that’s half a personal training session down the pan!

Festive Cheer: We all know there are more office parties and nights out in the pipe line but just 2 or 3 extra glasses of wine and you’re consuming an extra 200-300 calories, do that 2-3 nights per week and in the next 5 weeks you could put on a couple of pounds through alcohol intake alone….plus you would have to do an 2 extra Body Pump classes a week to burn it off!

Meals Out….we all know that even if we choose the healthiest option on a restaurant menu that it wouldn’t be as healthy as if we cooked it ourselves. And unfortunately Christmas often means more meals out than normal. I reckon you could easily eat an additional 300-500 calories when eating out….you would need to come along to another Circuit Class for every meal out to counter balance this!

3 Courses…..I’m sure many of us don’t eat 3 courses at home, but when we are out we often do…..think of all those extra calories. We understand that eating out is often a requirement of people’s jobs at work, and of course is an enjoyable experience but limit to one course only.

Christmas Day Calories: A study found that people can consume up to 6000 calories on Christmas Day…wow! Now I don’t want to be all Baa-Humbug but if you are watching your waistline this Christmas then keep an eye on the treats and unhealthy food and choose meat and veg at the Christmas dinner table. Victoria Pendleton would need to cycle 2177 laps of the Olympic Velodrome to burn off 6,000 calories…..or mere mortals like you and I would need to go to around 12 Spin classes!