Posted on September 30, 2016 by Kate Halsall
That’s all I’ve heard this week: are you ready for it, how are you feeling about it, do you know who you’re fighting yet…….and honestly, I don’t know! Does 8 weeks of twice a week training actually prepare you to get into a boxing ring and punch another individual? And on that note – is anyone really ever ready to punch another individual?! I’ve been in competitions before but for some reason this feels slightly different. So here’s my question for you – how do YOU prepare for a competition?
- Training
It goes without saying that you need to have trained for a competition: you can’t just rock up on the day and expect to succeed! Also, you need to make sure you’re training in the RIGHT way. I guess this is why this one feels different – it’s been a very different training regime and I’m coming back from injury so I’ll be honest and say I haven’t given it 100% – I could have done more. You need to make sure you have a plan, stick to it and ask for help when needed. Also remember to taper that training on the week(s) up to the event.
- Mental State
To be fair this applies before, during and after the competition. It’s not about what other people are doing, how often they train, how fit they are compared to you, how hard they hit (!) – it’s about you and your progress. It’s about planning and dealing with both the expected (being punched in the nose) and unexpected (knocking someone out). It’s about setting expectations and goals, being prepared to adjust where necessary and focusing on your performance.
Comp Day:
- Be Organised
All the obvious but I know I still never do it: pack your kit the night before so you don’t leave it to last minute and panic/faff, know your venue and how you’re getting to it, eat something that wont upset your stomach the night before etc etc etc
- Focus (aka psyching yourself up)
Slap yourself in the face, have a word with yourself, listen to loud music, stare into space, go to the toilet a thousand times, do some tuck jumps, shout “COME ON!!!” at the top of your voice…do whatever it takes to concentrate on the event. This is your moment, you need to calm those nerves and prepare for battle!
Post Comp:
- Analyse
You need to sit down and go through what went well, what didn’t go well, what you could do differently next time (if there is a next time) and plan how you’re going to do it – but don’t OVER analyse. This isn’t a beat-yourself-up session. It needs to be constructive.
- Recover
Take time to chill out and relax. This will of course depend on you and that type of event that you have just taken part in. Me, I plan to have a lie in and get a massage!