Posted on August 17, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

Rugby Strength Workout

Rugby is a game epitomised by strength and power. Being strong and powerful will do you well in this game, but being strong in specific positions and movement patterns will set you up to be a greater player. The usual strength movements are great for developing a general strength in the key muscle groups such as squats for leg strength, or pressing for pushing power in the upper body. But by developing patterns of movement in positions we find ourselves in during the game we will be able to use this strength to useful effect and achieve our full playing potential.

For example the bottom of the squat for most people is an area of weakness or restriction, but during the game of rugby we often find our selves crouched or squatting low ready to take on the charging opposition running at us. So why don’t we strengthen ourselves in this position? Similarly, we spend a lot of time in a lunged running position, looking to rotate and pass, catch, or step our way out of trouble. So surely developing strength in this movement pattern would be of great benefit?

Here is a great rugby strength workout offering some specific exercise drills to strengthen you in rugby specific positions making you more robust when you need it most.

A1. Banded X Walks 3 x 10 (each direction)

A2. Squat Position Landmine Press 4 x 5 (each hand)

B1. Lunge with Pallof Twist 4 x 6 (each side)

B2. Banded Broad Jump (from crouched/squat position) 4 x 3

C1. Banded/Bungee Burpee to Sprint 4 x 3

C2. Plank Position Single Arm Cable Row 4 x 8 (each hand)

This is a simple addition to your weekly strength plan that will offer some specific exercise drills for developing strength and robustness in often vulnerable positions during a game of rugby.

Next time you are faced with a 20 stone lump running directly at you, you can be confident in your ability to generate the strength, power, and stability you need to stop him in his tracks.
