How To Reduce Cortisol – Improve Your Training and Fitness Goals

Exercise | Fitness | Lifestyle

Posted on August 01, 2016 by Jenny Cromack

how to reduce cortisol

Picture taken from pixaby

Having too much cortisol can have a number of side effects such as ongoing muscle inflammation and soreness, restlessness and your mind racing in bed at night. Or you may simply feel your power output has dropped.

If you’re looking to hit your fitness goals then stress management really is something you should be taking control off.Increased cortisol is linked to fat gain, muscle loss, decreased strength, power and increased injury which are all detrimental to smashing your targets.

How To Reduce Cortisol

There are a number of ways you can help lower cortisol and make yourself feel better and get your results back on track.

1) Eat Plenty of Healthy Fats

When your body is releasing high levels of cortisol, a lack of dietary fat can lead to lower hormone levels such a testosterone which is essential for recovery and performance. A variety of good fat sources such as fish oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

2) Avoid Skipping Meals and Fasting

When you skip a meal your blood sugar drops this causes cortisol to be released in order for fuel stores to be burned for energy. Over time, this can cause inflammation. Eating on regular basis and maintaining blood sugar levels can keep cortisol levels down.

3) Keep Hydrated

Being dehydrated can lead to an increase in cortisol levels. Water is key to staying hydrated but a side effect of increased cortisol can reduce the amount of sodium in your cells that are vital for holding water in your cells. If you have a high level of stress, supplementing with electrolytes can keep you hydrated.

4) Eat Good Quality High Protein Meat and Veggies

When cortisol is increased this leads to an increase in hunger cravings. Ensuring your eating meals high in meat, fish and veggies can keep you satisfied and banish those hunger pangs.

5) Anti Inflammatories

Omega-3 fats and vitamin C both have anti-inflammatory effects and lower cortisol levels which can helpto accelerate the repair of damaged tissue and muscle in the body. So make sure you’re feasting on plenty of green veggies, citrus fruit and fish.

6) Cut Back On Caffeine

Caffeine certainly has its benefits in the fitness world, however for those with high cortisol levels it can be more harm than good. Limiting coffee intake (and other caffeinated products) can help you take one step closer to keeping the stress levels down.