Personal Training Success Story – Ben Daine
Exercise | Fitness | Personal Training
Posted on March 23, 2016 by Jenny Cromack
Ben has been training with motive8 for several years. As Ben’s love for fitness grew he started getting tailored programmes from Personal Trainer, Lucy to ensure he was following a programme that was constantly changing and developing to fit in with his goals.
During summer 2015 Ben started having regular personal training sessions to help give him that extra push towards his goals and instantly he began to drop body fat and get stronger.
Towards the end of last year Ben decided that he wanted to focus on getting back into running so we started introduced a new running plan, accompanied with weight training. His training involved attending the Run Club at our Marshall Court studio on a Monday night which allowed Ben to gain the knowledge and understand of what intensity a hill sprint session or paced run should feel like.
Ben will be the first to admit that it was often his food and drinking that would let him down when it came to hitting his goals. Personal training really let him get in control of his food and eat appropriately for his goals. Once Ben started keeping a food diary and following the appropriate balance of carbohydrate, fats and protein he really started to see some fantastic changes in his body fat.
In January 2016, Ben set some goals which allowed him to sit and reflect on what he wanted to achieve in his training and how he would get there. One of his goals was to get back to 13stone from 14stone 3lbs. He has achieved that goal and is now even lighter at 12 stone 7lbs. Ben stated that in order to get this goal weight he would follow a food plan and train five times a week and all his hard work and motivation payed off.
Another of Ben’s goals was t0 complete the Harewood Half Marathon in under 2 hours. To achieve this he knew he had to attend run club and complete his run plan of long runs and tempo runs. Ben completed the half marathon is a personal best of 1 hour 48 mins and 30 seconds which is an amazing time for a trail run!
Not only has Ben lost a phenomenal amount of weight and ran a PB in his running he has become stronger in his lifts and this is something we are now focusing on for his next goals as well as getting leaner. In the past Ben has struggled with his posture however since his postural with Kate (for more information click here) I have been able to tailor his plan to help his imbalance and his back pain and posture has improved dramatically and in turn has improved his techniques lifting.
Ben is a fantastic client to train his determination to be successful means he is dedicated to his nutrition and training and is willing to try new things and push himself that extra step. I’m looking forward to working with Ben towards his next goals.