Posted on March 08, 2016 by Jenny Cromack
For me the hamstrings are a nuisance of a muscle group, they are biarticular and fusiform, great for velocity, poor for stress tolerance. If you’re involved in running, cycling or simply just enjoy training you need to look after your hamstrings. Here is a hamstring workout to keep those hamstrings in tip top condition.
- A1. Romanian Deadlift 4 sets 5 reps (focus on neutral spine and stretching the hamstrings)
- A2. Box Jumps 4 sets 5 reps
- B1. Nordic Hamstring Extensions( these will need to be banded initaly to ensure we develop the end of the movement) 4 sets 3 reps
- B2. A Skip 4 sets 15m
How to do an A Skip
The above exercises looks simple, but the devil is in the detail. Fusiform muscles due to a low pennation angle are difficult to develop strength in. The key is to work them regularly, I would highly recommend that the above components are included early on in a session roughly every 5 days.
During the Romanian Deadlift focus should be placed on stretching and developing strength in the end range of motion. If your unable to hinge effectively at the hip you need to grab a personal trainer or fitness instructor and learn how to complete this movement effectively.
You’ll notice that every strength exercise is complemented with a velocity based movement, this is in attempt to try and get the hamstrings working at an aggressive velocity.
Keep those hamstrings healthy with this hamstring workout.